About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

City of the beautifulness of the world!

Using Walt Whitman's Civil War-era "City of Ships" as an inspiration (a poem that addresses and praises New York City), we discussed what Chicago is a "city of..."


Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade

The City
Lesly L.

Yo pienso cuando yo
veo que es bonito y que es
una ciudad grande. Tiene trafico y
tiene tiendas y hay zoo, hay zoologicos
en muchas partes a casas
y hay personas diferentes y ay escuela
y hay tambien muchas cosas hay
muebles hay computadoras y hay niños
y niñas y hay luz y teles y hay comida.

The Busy City
Zamira M.

City of cars all day traffic!

City of schools, the teachers are
nice, cute, like Mrs. Javellana!

City of families going to the park!

City of buildings, people, store, malls!

City of Chicago that has the best

City of Teachers
Daniel R.

O, no, our teacher gave us a lot of
homework! I tell my mom, “O
no, my teacher gave us a lot, but to
do it in the city!” And when I go
in the city all my homework
flew to the street and I could not
grab it from the city! “O no, I can’t
do my homework in the city!”
So my teacher give me a F in
my homework because I did not
do my homework in the city!
And I think in Chicago there are
a lot of teachers. In Chicago is a
city! Oho!

Jocelyn H.

City of computers, big and little computers
like the computer of Mrs. Vilchis.

City of animals that are wild.

City of the office buildings.

City of streets in the city.

City of industrial in some places.

City of the factories in all the world.

City of sunlight in the morning.

City of oil lamps.

City of gas lamps in the world.

City of neighborhood in all the world.

City of the community with
people who work.

City of Different People
Andrea P.

City of Different People!
(O the different people of all the states!)
Of New York people! Of Mexico people!
New York people are funny, sad, happy,
and even of Mexico people, they
are very, very, very, very kind people. They
give you toys, food, and other things
that you love so, so much, but so much!
And the part that they children
love is whenthe Mexicans and New York
people make funny tricks and
funny jokes that you laugh and laugh,
but they laugh so

City of Stuff
Adriana A.

City of money. I kind of hate money
because everybody is kinda fighting.

City of flags. I hate this because when
I come to school we do the pledge
and I wanna put away my stuff.

City of George Washington. I love his
clothes. I wish I could be him, the
first President. I can imagine
myself in there.

City of Mrs. J and Mrs. Vilchis
Jaqueline M.

City of Mrs. J and Mrs. Vilchis all
around the world. And buying new glasses
in the mall. And buying new clothes to wear in
a party. And buy the same clothes, they look
like the same. They are twins.


Mrs. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade

Chicago City
Cristal V.

The city of Chicago.
The sky is beautiful like my heart.
The children love to read books.
The teachers are beautiful and sweet.
There are trees all over Chicago.
In Chicago there are a lot of people.
Schools are good to kids.
People are white or black.
Elephants are fat and big.
The dogs are good because they help.
Teachers are sweet and special.
The police are helpful to you.
The computers are good.
I like to be in Chicago.

The Chicago Place
Vanessa G.

I see Chinese people.
The family eats enchiladas.
I see police.
I see dogs and cats in the street.
I see factories doing candies.
I see a lot of rats in the street.
I see libraries with a lot of books.
I see stores of El Gűero.
I see computers in school.
I see doctors and dentists.
I wash a lot of cars.
I see in the zoo elephants.
I see 20,000 houses.
I see people of Mexicano.
I see a lot of trees.

I See Something
Adeline S.

I see people in the city. People
that are black and white people.
And I see schools. And doctors.
And police that are nice. And doctors
that are so nice. And I see little
children and cars passing around and
building houses. And I see stores and zoos
and I see some dogs that are big
and I see tamales that look
good and I feel like I want to eat
some. And I see some trees all around.
I see some food food like
pozole and mole and some tamales
and some enchiladas so so much.
And I like food.


Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade

The City Of
Judith G.

The city of pets!
The city of pumping hearts!
The city of pumpkins. The city
of holidays. The city of huge
candy! The city of Valentines. The
city of math and division! The
city of people and teachers!

City of Chicago!
Jazmin N.

City of Chicago!
City of homes!
City of store!
City of school!
City of people!
City of pets!
City of shoes!
City of ice cream!
City of popcorn!
City of night!
City of day!
City of downtown!
City of crazy people!
City of rose!
City of darkness!
City of candy!
City of food!
City of Chicago!

The City of the World
Melissa V.

The city of the world!

City with all Shedd Aquariums,
you’re my wonderful stuff and
the sound of dolphins.
City with all houses, schools.
City of the world!
City with all downtown,
with restaurants and work!
City with all best food.
City with people!
City with hospitals!

Chicago’s Things
Giselle H.

We are the city of BEAUTIFULNESS!
City with DRUNK people!
City of BUSY downtown people!
City with PARTY people who get drunk!
City of screaming CRAZY people!
City with running hollering kids who
can’t let you sleep!
City of LOVE who makes you feel!
make you LOCA!

City Of!

City of the beautifulness in the world!
City of many beautiful pets!
City of learning children!
City of reading monkeys!

Chicago with delicious hot dogs!
Chicago with Soldier Field!
Chicago with Navy Pier!
Chicaog with children running!

Chicago With!!
Zalma R.

Chicago with!!
Chicago with roses so beautiful!
Chicago with me so nice
and kind! Chicago with people
so nice and so mean!
Chicaog with food like my
kind! Chicago with school
to learn and learn!
Chicago with libraries to
read! Chicago with houses
so nice and clean! Chicago with
me and you and ever how.

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