For our last class before the holiday and new year break, I wanted to try something that would (hopefully) be fun. We read several two-line poems from Joshua Beckman & Matthew Rohrer's collaborative book, Nice Hat. Thanks, and talked a bit about the process the two poets used when writing poems together. Students then counted off, and were put in groups based on their number. Each wrote three starting lines for as many separate poems, passing them on to others in their group, who added their own lines, creating a series of short group poems. Students were encouraged to think fast, and make "sense" only if they wanted to, or could.
Ms. Fialkowski, 5th Grade
Ivory G., Angel H., Marbella R., Johnny S., Kayla S.
I can't wait to walk my friend
to the garbage can
I'm a rain drop
Justin Timberlake
That's the smallest tree
Superman once fell down
purple milk
Edgar A., Sergio M., Julissa S., Luis V.
I saw a dog.
You got dog mail.
I fell in a mailbox
I hear noise outside my house.
It was a dog and cat.
They were fighting.
A kangaroo came and they all kick-boxed.
Erica A., Jose D., Daniel G.
Destroy all humans
voices are screaming in the house.
Then the people that were screaming, I kick them out.
They stayed there.
I fell in the store for fun.
I saw some candy.
It was furry and fungy but I couldn't resist
and gobbled it up.
Oscar M., Vanessa P., Ricardo R., Samantha T.
Have you seen a red sky?
What are you talking about?
The sky is not red,
it's blue. Also bigger than Earth.
Earth is big but blue is more blues.
I hear
you talk
about race cars.
What is important about race cars?
Claudia A., Virginia B., Norberto M., Jonathan R.
Who ate the last cookie?
Santa Claus.
He was very hungry, he drank milk.
Do you like chips?
“With soda!”
The island,
is very peaceful.
“Why are you so hairy?”
I am so not!
You are not what?
Janet H., Crecesio P., David V.
I saw a man with a saw.
I like to throw snowballs at cars.
I'm happy when I get presents.
My feet are freezing, the door is creaking.
The streets have snow.
The snow is cold oh how cold am I.
I will like to have a bulldog.
But I hate Barney.
Ezequiel A., Katy R., Steven S., Damian V.
Jennifer Lopez
Crazy Frog
Super Mario
King of Queens
Still Standing
Ms. Michel, 5th Grade
Daniel A., Samuel G., Vanessa L., Eddie L., Jose M., Liliana R.
My dog is dancing
on the stage
and then he fell
and continued dancing
and fell again
and kept on dancing.
I love frogs
because they are cool
bouncing everywhere
and eating my tail
and I like the dog biting his tail
I bit the dog's tail.
Griselda A., Gerardo C., Selena L., Alex R., Magdalena R., Jeremy S.
run away
from your mom
and never come back
and scream
It is almost Christmas.
I get a lot of presents
so cool I got chills
and snow on my face
and got a cold.
Christian A., Alondra B., Jennifer P., Karen R., Daisy V., Joanna Z.
I felt sad.
Think of something happy
like when you're at a party
with your family.
20 people brought cake.
We could eat the cake.
The cake was so good
I ate 4 pieces.
Angel B., Jessica M., Emmanuel R., Yulissa R., Javier S., Alvaro S.
I get to
play soccer in the rain and
set a picnic
but it is ruined by the rain.
The frog said
I like playing at night
my mom calls me in.
Servando C., Giovanni F., Angel G., Luis O., Jennyfer O.
Place value.
We got to Six Flags.
to Mexico.
Only 25¢
snow fight
cool pop.
Ms. Hughesdon, 5th Grade
Jose B., Marlene C., Cesar M., Jesus N., Everardo P.
The park.
The trees
are filled with kids.
Mr. Dean
not a kid!
Purple cat
with the giant hat
made a big splash.
It got wet
on the cold winter day.
Diego B., Nancy C., Itzamari C., Omar C., Yvette T.
Sometimes I like school
because we have parties
and play games.
The bunny is
in the classroom.
Cat is
too small
and too fat
and I can't even carry him
it's 2,000 pounds
Salena C., David F., Luz G., Rodalfo P., Jessica Z.
My dog.
Sun is very hot
like a hot pot.
In summer
play with me.
green clouds
are dark
are greenish
pencil make us writing
Anheli D., Belen F., Abel G., Brenda R., Gustavo R.
I like dogs.
Perfect chaos.
They walk home.
I have a Maltese.
I like cats.
are bananas
The end of a fruit poem and now I'm hungry.
Claudia A., Brian D., Carlos M., Maria M., Miguel R.
And every thing is broken.
Buy other things,
buy everything in the store.
But don't waste your money
on that ugly sweater.
The Blue December.
It stinks like snow.
It is white and shiny.
It is white and nasty
but is not hot.
Ms. Montoya, 5th Grade
Daisy A., Roberto A., Ramiro G., Jovonne M., Alexis R., Diana R.
noisy and aggravating too.
Also like a fire alarm,
like a police car?
Blue and red.
The tiled floors
are white & green,
I like them
they are nice.
They are a pattern.
Jennifer A., Ana C., Diana H., Michelle M., Vani P., Louis Z.
I love my family
cuz they are nice.
And they love me
because I am not mean.
Her family is nice to her.
Because I was
and sad
I am not sad
I am sad.
Janet B., Monica M., Jose P., Aaron R., Juan R., Natalie T.
My name is Janet.
My mom put me like that.
She makes me eat.
I hate onions,
they make me cry.
I am going to school.
Yo tambien.
I go to Shields school.
Even me
but it is called Branch.
Cynthia G., Omar G., Yadid G., Juan J., Ivan M., Cristian O.
The tree is made of
or death
and more tree.
The body
has skin, bones, and veins,
is colored peach
and has a lot of cells,
is many sizes.
Alfredo C., Linet L., Anibal M., Fatima M., Eric P., Jesus P.
I like volleyball.
It floats like a balloon.
It flies.
Soccer rules.
Over the net.
I fell out the window.
I fell from the Sears Tower.
I fell out of the car.
I lost my potato.
I fell out too.
Ms. Graefen, 5th Grade
Alejandro A., Vanessa C., Magdalena F., Diana G., Robert R., Jose Z.
Not like the color blue
because it looks ugly.
Oh my gosh!
Are you serious?
Hello, bye bye!
The astronaut went into space.
Like the car.
The car goes into the sky also.
No it doesn't.
Elva C., Alexandra C., Oscar C., Mercedes L., Salvador M., Silvia R., Osvaldo T.
little star.
How are you?
Good and you?
is made of wood
from trees.
Lead pencils,
you are wasting trees.
Cesar G., Marco O., Jesus P., Alejandro R.
camp is
Six Flags.
Playing games.
My brother is tall,
my sister is tall too.
I don't have a tall sister.
Maggie M., Rocio M., Laela M., Jacob S., Anthony S.
The home
was messy
and ugly
and dirty
and for sale.
eyes and
Diego C., Isaac G., Mirella H., Eliliana L., Veronica S.
Before I forget.
Do my chores
make juice.
I forgot
I gots to go.
I hate blue.
I punch blue.
Blue is nice
blue is a very cool color! And that's that!
Why would you punch blue?
Mr. Heredia, 5th Grade
Jorge A., Daryl C., Keith D., Jesus G., Cristian M., Carlos Z.
Michael Jordan
helps plants
Michael Myers
can never beat Jason
Carina G., Amanda H., Eibar N., Edwin O., Jasmine R., Daniel V.
go for it
I ate all the pizza
do not go for it
I felt terrible
No homework turned in,
shame on you.
Jacquelin A., Edgar O., Cesar P., Jesse R., Ricardo R., Leslie S.
I love baseball,
running and running,
I hit it,
I throw the ball.
It went high.
Dinosaurs were extinct
then humans came along.
The dinosaurs were ugly,
big and ugly.
Brenda A., Deisy C., Stefanie M., Mayra S., Adelia S.
I ate the banana, the peel is still there.
The rabbits ate bananas.
They even ate the banana's peel.
I didn't get a chance to eat some bananas.
I slipped on the peel.
A bug fell in my oatmeal.
The monster ate me.
I ate the bug on the oatmeal.
The oatmeal ate me and the bug.
Andrea A., Samantha B., Ana C., Javier C., Yoni D.
of people came to celebrate,
bounce balls,
are jumping around.
It's a good day.
The class has Christmas lights, they shine.
The tree is little.
The tree is ugly
like a piece of taco
in my heart.
About Hands on Stanzas
Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at) for more information.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Collaborative Poems
Posted by
12:12 PM
Labels: 5th grade, collaboration, Joshua Beckman, Matthew Rohrer, Nice Hat Thanks, poetry
Personification Poems
This class was right before holiday break, so I brought in a Christmas poem - e.e. cummings' "little tree." We talked about how cummings gives the tree in the poem human characteristics (having feelings, arms/fingers). They then wrote their own poems, selecting a holiday object and giving it human qualities.
Ms. Sandoval-Johnson, Rm. 001
3rd Grade
Little Present
Cesar N.
Little Present
Nice and dressed
So silent in a box - what could you be?
You sleep until you wake up, I will
Know what you are.
The Kiss of the Mistletoe!
Maria S.
Oh mistletoe, when people
come over to my house
and if they see a mistletoe
they have to kiss on the cheeks.
Oh mistletoe, you look very shiny
with your red bows and those little
circles that are red.
Oh mistletoe, you feel very soft
and fluffy to me if only the world
could know how I feel about you.
Oh mistletoe, people always see
you but not all the time when I see
you I feel like I want to hug you.
Oh mistletoe, this is how I feel about you.
Samuel P.
Stars shining for Christmas to come.
Waiting every year. I'll just talk with you
and you talk to me. Stars playing together
to make something every day, smiling
every day, your skin so bright and
Oh! How you dream of presents every
year is the same.
Bernice A.
Snowflake, you are so
blue and cold. If you were
alive you would walk and talk.
You would walk better than my
sister. You would say kind words
like sorry, thank you. Sorry. Please.
You would also live in
the freezer so you won't
melt. You would also ask
people "where did you come from?"
Brenda B.
Candy cane you are so red
that you will get eaten by
my sister. If you were
a person you would help
people walk in the
hospital if you
could. Then little
kids would say
if they could
have your
brothers or
Your mom will be so
sad that she will cry.
But they won't now
that you are a
candy cane
because you
are a
person like
us. But you
will have red
hair and
look pretty you
are sweet, candy cane.
Jonathan V.
little snowflake little snowflake
when I caught you I let you
go then the next
year I saw you but you
were way bigger I rolled
you into a snowball and
hit a window you did not
break you walked back one
time I threw you too hard
you were bleeding water
Ms. Marfise
3rd Grade
Little Ornament
Troy S.
Little silent ornament
you are so sparkly
you are more like a chain
Who found you at the store
and were you angry to away?
See, I'll take care of you
I picked you because you are pretty
with such a round head
I will hug your round head.
I will kiss you on your head
I will wrap you in a blanket and put you to sleep.
I keep you close to my heart
I'll pass you down like a tradition of my
family, I will read you a book goodnight.
I will let you be the first on the tree
And trust me you will not get destroyed.
Snowflake Snowflake
Jose C.
How do you float in the
air what do you see
and why are you
white? Do you ever
smile at someone? And
why are you so sparkly
and why do you have things
on you? You look very
dangerous, because you
have little spikes on you
and I wish I could
meet you someday.
Shalynn S.
Mistletoe you hang like
my hair.
You have a green skirt that
hangs down.
You have a power to make
people kiss.
You have red balls like
my earrings on my head.
Oh mistletoe it is time
for you to go to sleep.
Ms. McCormick, Rm. 214
3rd Grade
Present Present
Ernesto C.
are so soft
you are
so magic
what would
I feel?
I would feel
I would
hop hop
into the
Little, Little Presents
Denise N.
Little, little present
you are very
soft and
You are more
than a pair of
Who found you under
the tree and were
you hiding? I would
like to get you because
you smell real good for
I will
hug you real
hard and I'll squish
Little Star
Karina C.
I am all alone on top of
the Christmas tree, a person
holds me until he or she gets
there. When I get on top of
the Christmas tree I glow.
I feel so alone that no one
is here with me. But one day
when I felt so alone, a boy
came to hug me and
I never felt alone again.
The next week the same
boy came back
but he had something behind
his back - he got me a friend.
The Little Lonely Menorah
Loreto G.
Little Menorah
Little lonely Menorah
You are so lonely with eight plain arms
You are so small
the air can lift you up.
But don't worry
you will not be
alone, you'll have
eight friends, one in each
arm. You will
be warm, as if you
were wearing a coat.
The Cookies and the Milk
Marlen N.
"Hey" cookie and milk, you smell so chocolatey
and the milk like it comes from a cow in
Mexico. i will eat you even if you cry
"Oh my God it is going to eat me"
Milk I will drink you for my stomach
will be so warm and your friends
Mrs. Rodriguez, Rm. 401
5th Grade
Ryan V.
Shiny golden star
Are you happy when you shine
Or are you sad when you don't glisten?
You escaped from your flock
And landed on my tree
Which I understand
Because trees can call a star
You shine so brightly when you see a box
Do not worry star
After Christmas you are sent free
Back to make more wishes and miracles
And so goodbye for Christmas had ended
I know you will see me again
So hurry up you must flee
For the other stars have almost left.
Big Icicles
Sigitas A.
big icicles,
big looming icicles,
you shine like gold when
the sun shines
and you howl when
the wind blows through
the cave in which
you live peacefully
you cry when it gets
too warm
if it gets too noisy,
you get angry
when you get angry,
you fall,
and with your sharp
fist you try to destroy the noise.
Christmas Ribbon
Jacqueline M.
Little ribbon, little ribbon, how you shimmer
with a smile. Who tied you? Why are you
this color? I will put you on a Christmas
tree and then you will shine with
such desire.
Paula V.
White, round
play, fall, fly
Little, soft
it is sleeping
Beverly A.
big snowman
big silent Christmas snowman
you are so big
you are round
who found you in the snow
and were you very sad to come with me?
see i will love you
because you smell like salt
i will kiss your nose
and hug you tight
just as your mother would,
only don't be afraid
look at your eyes
that always cry when you are only
dreaming of being happy with someone
your nose, your eyes, and soft snow
Ms. Breen, Rm. 201
3rd Grade
Andrew F.
Mistletoe, mistletoe with
a pretty red bow. You hang
from the doorway waiting
for someone to go.
Jesica G.
Bells can make
a sound. They are
shiny. And the
color is gold, red, or
silver. They would be
happy. And they would
be very excited. I
would show them
in the window.
Bianca V.
Little snowflake you look like a flower
you are so white. You melt when we
touch you.
Little Tinsel
Julie G.
little tinsel dancing around the tree.
how could they have found you
in a store? You are happy because people
look at you. I will hang you
on a Christmas tree, people stare.
Posted by
locutio obsoleta
9:05 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Our Words--3rd graders
These poems sprang from reading a poem by Mahmoud Darwish called "Psalm Three." I asked the students to follow a slightly more open-ended version of his form, and to employ nouns, feelings, opposites, and an occasional rhyme (but not all the time) to describe their words. The assignment seemed to lend itself better to descriptions of surreal scenes and fantastic landscapes, which still worked out fine.
I'm very excited that two or three students who normally are reluctant to write or don't write at all, all turned in work this week. One of those poems is featured below. Also, in Mrs. Vazzana's class, which is an ELL bilingual classroom, I encouraged students to plug in the Spanish word if the English word wasn't coming to them. Victor took this idea and ran with it. There was also one student who, of his own volition, wrote a first draft, then a revised draft, during one class period, and turned the second draft in to me. I'm glad to see that the value of revision has started to take hold.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
Funny Water #2
Zamira M.
When my words were water,
I was sleeping underwater.
When my words were water,
I was swimming by the cat.
When my words were water,
I was in the gulf of Mexico.
When my words were ice,
I was freezing.
The Sugar Words
José A.
When my words were water
I was dripping
When my words were feelings
I was sad
When my words were sugar
I was a candy
When my words were bananas
I was yellow
When my words were houses
I was hard
In Ice and In Spring
Daniel R.
I was in the water.
I was melting.
I was drinking water.
I was a fish in the water.
I was in ice and then I melted.
I was in ice and I was in winter
and I became a penguin.
I was a penguin so it was spring then
I became a bird.
Carlos L.
When my words were angry they
broke in pieces.
When my words were happy they
smiled too much.
When my words were sad there
was water in all of the places.
When my words were eating candy
they were fat.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
Victor P.
When my words were strong
I was good
When my words were big
I was quick
When my words were little
I was a dog
When my words were pelo
I was a cat
When my words were shoes
I was a rat
When my words were a hand
I was an elephant
When my words were a camisa
I was a house
When my words were a cabeza
I was playing anything
Words and Things
Hazael G.
When my words were
quiet I was sleeping.
When my words were
smart I was reading.
When my words were fast
I was running.
When my words were
a car I was driving.
When my words were
a skateboard of fire I was
riding it.
When my words were strong
I was powerful
When my words were a tree
I was giving apples from
the tree
I Was So Loud
Miguel M.
When my words were strong
I talked so loud. When my words
were so loud I was so happy.
When my words were loud I barked
so loud.
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
Jennifer R.
When my words were ice cream,
I was dropping and hopping it.
When my words were jelly,
I was belly.
When my words were December,
I was September.
When my words were a boat,
I was afloat.
Power Four
Sebastian C.
When my words were sunny
I was the light
When my words were funny
I was laughing
When my words were strong
I was crazy
When my words were ugly
I was nice
But when my words became
I couldn’t talk
When My Words
When my words were strong
I was weak. When my words
were sand I was at the beach.
When my words were sad I
was blue. When my words were
hot like the sand it turned
like the sun.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: Darwish, figurative language, metaphor, words
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Opposing Feelings
I brought in Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Recuerdo" for this class - we talked a lot about that first line ("We were very tired, we were very merry--") and what that might mean. Has there ever been a time when you were both tired and happy? What might make one feel thus? We then composed a stanza or two as a class, focusing on two (possibly) opposing feelings. In some classes, each individual student then wrote a concluding stanza(s) for the class poem. This actually turned out to be a nice collaborative exercise!
Mr. K, 3rd Grade (Rm. 205)
Class Poem
We were very happy, we were very excited
We had gone back and forth all night
in the car on the moon
It was dark and bright, it smelled like cheese
We looked at the earth and rocks and we jumped
really high! We ate Mexican cheese
and drank lemonade. The we had a pajama party.
"Feeling Brave and Scared"
Virgen S.
We were very scared, we were very brave.
We had been trick-or-treating all night long.
But we looked in a haunted house, and heard
noises. We lay on the ground and the people
kept saying trick-or-treat, and dawn came soon.
We were very scared, we were very brave.
We had been trick-or-treating all night long.
You ate a candy, and I ate a chocolate bar, from all
the candy we got somewhere. And the sky went
howling, and the wind came hot, and the
moon came dripping, a bucket full of candy.
We were very scared, we were very brave.
We had been trick-or-treating all night long.
We hailed, trick-or-treat, mother! to a mask, and bought
gloves, which neither of us used, and
we lost it, sorry! for all the candy,
and we gave her a chocolate bar
and our other candies.
"We were very happy and very excited"
We were very happy, we were
very excited. We were very happy
cause we went to Mars, it was
very red, it had some gray, we were
very excited cause we saw
some aliens in Mars, we played
spelling. We ate some alien food,
we drank some lemonade.
We had a pajama party.
We were very happy cause we saw
the planet Mars. We were very excited
cause we saw some aliens.
David C.
We were very excited, we were very tired
We had gone all night and day on the candy
factory tour. It was all yummy, it smelled
like bubble gum, chocolate.
We were very excited, we were very tired
We had gone all night and day on the candy
factory tour. I ate gummy worms, you ate
gummy bears. I lost the candy, sorry owner!
Ms. Sandoval-Johnson, 3rd Grade (Rm. 001)
Class Poem
We were very sad, we were very happy--
we went round and round on the roller coaster
all night long!
It was high and creepy, it smelled like old onions -
But we were screaming and putting our hands in the air,
We went down the tracks, we went up and down.
We were very sad, we were very happy--
We went round and round on the roller coaster
all night long!
We ate cotton candy and popcorn,
that was free from a crazy man;
the air was hot, the wind was a tornado.
Ms. Marfise, 3rd Grade (Rm. 002)
Class Poem
We were very weak, we were very strong--
We felt weak; in our dreams, we were strong.
We couldn't move, but we could pick up anything.
We picked up the Sears Tower,
people were flying out the windows
We were very weak, we were very strong--
We felt weak; in our dreams, we were strong.
We were eating spaghetti in our dreams
We sleepwalked into the kitchen for brownies
but we couldn't pick them up.
Continuations of the class poem...
We were very weak, we were very strong--
We felt weak; in our dreams, we were strong.
We felt something ticklish in our arms.
We took it off, but it was just grass.
We woke up to our dear mother's voice.
David F.
We were very weak, we were very strong--
We felt weak; in our dreams, we were strong.
We woke up and our dream ended.
And what we dreamed of really happened.
(Except for the eating part.)
Now let's start a new dream to let it happen.
Myriam R.
We were very weak, we were very strong--
We felt weak; in our dreams, we were strong.
The washing machine had a large hand and
walked up the stairs. There was spaghetti
all over the floor. It slipped and hit itself
and fell back downstairs.
Shalynn S.
We were very weak, we were very strong--
We felt weak; in our dreams, we were strong.
We were eating spaghetti in our dreams
We sleepwalked into the kitchen for brownies
but we couldn't pick them up because they were 20
pounds, so I walked into the front room
where my dad was playing music all night long
I felt weak, but strong, the door opened,
white wonderful stuff was coming down
from the dark sky. It looked like ice cream--
I ate it, it was cold.
Ms. McCormick, 3rd Grade (Rm. 214)
Class Poem
We were very brave, we were very scared
We were going to our new house
It looked yellow and very empty.
It smelled like wet paint. Some rooms
were old and looked haunted, had spirits in them
We went to the kitchen and saw a nice lady making popcorn.
We were very brave, we were very scared
We were going to our new house
I went to the garden and you went to the store,
you ate vegetables and I ate pizza,
they looked like little trees and bread.
Continuations of the class poem...
Isabel C.
We were very brave, we were very scared
We were going to our new house.
The plates were broken, there were
cats outside our yard. In the night
I saw an old woman on the couch.
When we went to the attic, we saw a man
fixing a truck. Still, if our house is scary
I still love my new house.
Casandra S.
We were very brave, we were very scared
We were going to our new house.
When we were at the kitchen, it
was bright, but tiny noises were out and we
all went to sleep. The nice lady
tucked us in and sleep tight and don't
let anything harm you tonight
she shut the door.
Yenci S.
We were very brave, we were very scared
We were going to our new house.
For a drink, you could drink water, and I could drink
some pineapple juice. I'll go to the park and you'll
stay at home, you'll do my homework while
I have some fun.
Mrs. Rodriguez, 5th Grade (Rm. 401)
Class Poem
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and all night.
It was very bright and it smelled like burning oil.
But we looked outside the window and saw a parade
There were people on stilts and on a big ball
There were clowns in red, green, blue and white.
Continuations of class poem...
Beverly A.
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and all night.
I was very dark and it smelled like smoke.
But we looked strange and saw ice cream
There were people on chairs.
Cynthia G.
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and all night.
You ate a pizza, I ate frise. They were
both from a little restaurant in the parade.
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and all night.
We saw an old lady, she had two kids,
she needed money, we gave her some but not
all the fun we were having.
Carlos G.
"All Aboard"
we were very bored and excited watching a movie
while in the sky it was very white and very high
the clouds looked like a ball
of cotton and I was excited to go to California
with my cousins but it was going to take a while.
Then I looked out the window and I couldn't see
any tower at all, at night the clouds looked gray and
the stars looked medium far, it looked like the sun
was gold and cold but it was hot, the sun looked
like we could tie it in a knot. But too bad it was not
a shoe is was the sun, but a sun could burn you down.
Maria M.
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and night in the freaky car!
It was very dark, it smelled like pumpkins all over the car.
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and night in the freaky car. It was
bright and dark at the same time but we saw a fairy
that granted us some wishes.
We were very excited, we were very bored,
We drove all day and night in the freaky car. It was very
cold, but I found gold.
Posted by
locutio obsoleta
9:12 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The moon sleeps me: Personification Part II (3rd grade)
We devoted a second week to these challenging, complex, and diverse personification poems. One class got caught up in writing about their hands, I believe after Daniel wrote his stunning piece (which is below).
Also, the students have taken to drawing on the borders and bottoms of their poetry, which I've begun encouraging them to do once they are finished writing their poem. This assignment especially prompted an explosion of illustrations.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
The Moon and The World
Zamira M.
The moon said, “You should
be enjoying things.”
“Because you always are sad.”
There is a world to see.
You are in a world. Do you
see things?”
“No. It’s always dark.”
“It’s because your glasses
are dirty.”
(My right hand said)
Daniel R.
My right hand said, “Get to
work to be smarter. If you write
a lot you may get better in writing
and they will know what you are
writing in the paper. And they will
understand you. Because you will get smarter
and you are better and you will get A+
in writing. And you will be one of the
good spellers.”
The Moon Sleeps Me
Karina V.
The moon sleeps me at night
to be tomorrow a good day
for me to do. I can sleep
at night to do a day to play.
The moon is all the night. If you
sleep at night, the stars are
staying when the sun comes up.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
The Sun and Me
Jhoan B.
I talk to the sun. The sun
talks to me.
I take him to a date which he
He gets sleepy. I get sleepy.
The sun goes to sleep. I go to
In the morning, the sun
says, “Good morning.” I say,
“Good morning.”
At day the sun shines like
At night the sun is dark and
not there.
When My Plants Grow
Angelica V.
I see the flowers and the sky raining
so the flowers can grow big and smart.
The flowers say, “I want water. And a sun
Good Night Says Moon
Andrea R.
When I go to sleep I say to the moon, “Good night.”
The next day I say to the moon, “You go to school for me."
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
The House
Jordy D.
The house started to talk to me
and it said, “It’s not easy carrying lots of
I said, “I could carry at least six
small objects.”
The house said, “I carry over 100 things.”
I said, “Really?”
The house said, “I carry everything
you own plus more.”
I said, “WOW.”
The Moon
Marcos B.
The moon said, “I am like a light and
bright like him.” In the middle of the
moon shines his face. I see him every
night at midnight. He sees me when I go to
sleep. And tomorrow I will see him again.
The Car
Joel D.
The car is laying by
the tree. While the car is
asleep. While the car
sees. While the car
falls in the sea.
Posted by
5:37 PM
Labels: 3rd grade, Cisneros, O'Hara, personification
Monday, December 3, 2007
Body Part Poems
In her poem, "Anatomy Lesson #2: The Palpation of Bony Landmarks," Katrina Vandenberg urges readers to see beyond the surface of things, beyond the cold and confusing language of science, using "the art of finding" to explore deeper issues of love, compassion and understanding. The poem's anatomical jargon was discussed, and students were asked to consider an under-appreciated body part in poems of their own.
Ms. Fialkowski (402)
Skin & Body
Janet H.
Skin covers your inside.
Your skin sometimes feels
cold. Your skin is different
colors. Your skin is in all
the body. Your eyes help you
see. Your eyes help you sleep
ZZZ. Your eyes are different
colors. Your bones help you
walk and move. Now I am
waving goodbye with my
My Body
David V.
The body has
skin to
protect it
from germs.
legs help you
hands are to
grab things.
The arm helps
the hands to
move. Feet are
to walk. Eyes
are to see.
Ears are to
hear. Nose is to
My Body!!!
Damian V.
My body is special. I crack my body every day.
My knee, my fingers, my elbow, my toes. My body
is smooth and soft, it is always skin.
Ms. Michel (403)
Guess What Am I?
Griselda A.
I am as big as your fist. I
pump blood when I beat. When
you eat candy I make you
go hyper. When you run I
beat so much that you
have to sit for a while.
Also when you are scared
I beat too much. Guess what
am I? (A heart.)
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Jose M.
day my
friend told
me that he
broke his
arm because
he fell on the
And I asked
him did it
hurt and he said no.
Then he told
me that he
was going
to go to
the slide
and he
fell there
and his
mom said
let's go
to the
The Brain
Yulissa R.
The brain is
on your
head. It
helps you think,
and if you
didn't have a brain
you wouldn't
know nothing,
and you wouldn't
know who you
are if
they called
your name,
you would just
be standing
there. That's
why we have
a brain
and by eating
healthy food
you're feeding
your brain
and you and your
brain have energy.
Ms. Hughesdon (407)
The Skull
Diego B.
The skull protects our brain
from the headers in soccer
and crazy falls
and carrying our eyes.
The skull touches our skin
and it holds our hair.
Jose B.
Eyes make you see and to
see your friends, your TV, your
parents. And see cake.
The Hands
David F.
My hands with
five fingers they
look like five
long trees with
lines the lines
look like a
long tree with
long lines the
palm of my
hand the veins
look like stripes
of the color green
the line in the
palm looks like
a deep dark valley.
Rodolfo P.
My skin so soft and smooth but kind
of hard and has a lot of bruises and
hairy and my green veins and some birthmarks
on it. My skin is also white and tan.
The thickest part of the body.
Ms. Montoya (405)
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Jennifer A.
In my head
I can learn
by teaching
me like my brain I
can learn math and
reading and writing too
and I can do maps like
to find some states and
any mouth I can talk
and eat too and I can
laugh and make
jokes too.
My Head
Ramiro G.
My head, where my eyes are in place
so I can see the world, where my
nose is so I can smell the wind,
where my mouth is so I can taste
food, where my brain is, where my in-
formation is in my head.
The Nose
Yadid G.
The nose,
small, with two holes
on the bottom,
in your head
with mucus inside
all green or all
gooey. The nose,
where you breathe,
where you smell,
the nose.
Jose P.
Teeth is what you chew with, and so
you need to brush them. Sometimes I think
when will a tooth fall out, wondering. I
almost never think about it. Only when
I brush them or look into the mirror.
Once the second set is there, you need
to take care. And sharks, when teeth fall out, they
just keep growing and growing. I wonder
how do teeth grow out of the pink stuff
in your mouth, where does it come from?
Where is it when you have baby teeth, where's
the new one? I'm just wondering.
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Aaron R.
My friends have different bones.
I have my bones, I have a stomach.
I have a body, I have lots of
bones in my body. One of my bones
is funny, they are called funny bones.
I have a stomach where my
food goes to. I am made
out of bones, I have about
200 bones in my body. I am really
happy, boy it is just really funny.
Ms. Graefen (404)
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Alejandro A.
We all have elbows.
Our elbows are joints.
The joints meet an-
other part of the
The elbow has other
partners that are
joints, like our knee
joint, hip joint, and
the last but not least
is the shoulder joint.
My Hand!
Vanessa C.
My hand has five fingers.
My hand is big.
My hand has a ring.
My hand is cool.
My hand could hold things.
I could write with my hand.
My hand works hard!
Diego C.
My pinkie, it's
small, funny looking,
with its friend Mr. Nail.
Flexible, sometimes cracking.
Very loud. Two lines in between.
Larynx, Trachea, Bronchial Tubes
Isaac G.
So small is the larynx, no larynx,
no talking. Such a little part,
so big a role. Trachea, a part of life
is breathing, no trachea, no breathing.
Suffering, the life of no breathing
is a painful experience. Bronchial tubes,
carry air, carbon dioxide, inhale, exhale.
No tubes, no air, no bronchial tubes, no
trachea, no trachea, no larynx, no larynx,
no throat, no life.
Mr. Heredia (414)
My Broken Arm
Deisy C.
It was a day in
my life when
I broke
my arm.
I was screaming
I broke
my arm.
It healed
in three
I can
climb the
tree again.
Body Parts
Fernando P.
The eyes are the
littlest are
thing in
the body.
The eyes look
like little bouncing
balls, and sometimes
they look
like they are going
to bounce away.
The eyes are wet
and squishy.
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Jasmine R.
How you crack to never acknowledge
the thought about arthritis.
To ache and to pull them apart.
Able to move them in a bendable
way. A bump of writing at the
Posted by
6:12 PM
Labels: 5th grade, Anatomy Lesson #2: The Palpation of Bony Landmarks, body parts, Katrina Vandenberg, poetry, teaching
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Week 5: Persona Poems
This week, I had students read Craig Raine's poem "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home." I used the poem both as an entre into understanding the idea of writing a poem in a voice other than your own (persona) and as a means of eliciting creative description. As the title suggests, the poem is essentially a portrait of humanity through the eyes of a Martian. So, for my writing prompt, I asked them to imagine that they were aliens making a visit to Shields school. Their "mission" was to describe as much of the school as possible so their fellow aliens back home might be able to imagine what this strange, alien landscape looked like! I made sure to mention that an alien might not know the specific names for a lot of commonplace objects in the school - like clock or blackboard or drinking fountain. So, their challenge was to use their senses to describe the objects, as though making riddles. They turned out some really excellent work! I selected one poem from each of my six classes to share below:
Mr. K. (205)
3rd Grade
by Celina S.
Have you ever seen a girl that
looks like a blue bubble with
the letter G? And I see a
box with laser to drink.
I've never seen that. And I
see something that makes
your eyes burn if you use
it too much. I smell something
that is round but with something
stringy. I see something round
it can free the time. I see
someone that looks like he is
in charge.
Ms. Sandoval-Johnson (001)
3rd Grade
A Waterfall
Sarai B.
A waterfall
is when you
push a button
and a waterfall
comes out of
a hard box
you can drink
the water it
does not sound
clean to me
but it does
sound very
loudly in
the waterfall
is falling down in a
circle on the
bottom of
the waterfall
it is going
away when
I don't
press the
I think something lives in it.
Ms. Marfise (002)
3rd Grade
Aliens Visiting Shields School
Denise B.
I come from Mercury. There
are 30 ghosts on this strange
planet. There are some other aliens
that came. There are the ghosts'
plans. There are the other aliens'
ships. There are some green stars.
The other aliens are taking
over this school.
Ms. McCormick (214)
3rd Grade
Wandering Around
Kiara M.
I am on a mission
to examine Shields School
I see a circle thing
with numbers and lines I
wonder what it is
I see a tall woman
with a bunch of
shorter people behind
I am wandering down
these dark halls
The tall people don't
seem to be afraid.
Mrs. Rodriguez (401)
5th Grade
Trip to Shields School
Emmanuel M.
Hello my friends in Mars. My mission to
Shields School is a success, what I see here
is a circle moving thing that sends air to you.
I also saw four little wooded legs, and a little
platform on top, and you can put your back on it. I also
saw a thing they call "book" - it has small looseleaf
paper in it. This thing I will right now talk to you about
this thing looks like wood but smells like water, and it
has different colors. I also saw a magic thing
that reminded me of old times, they call it
Ms. Breen (201)
3rd Grade
Alien at Shields
Julie G.
A circle with
black marks and
Some squares with
A tall thing
in a square
A number 4
on cement
A ball with
bright colors
that spins
to look for
A box with
Some ghosts
doing stuff
Some ghosts
A big square
with little
squares scribbles
A big shiny
thing to carry birds
with wings
A pink thing
that makes things
A tall human
is a principal.
Posted by
locutio obsoleta
2:36 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Talking to Suns and Trees--3rd graders
We had a good time reading "A True Account of Talking to the Sun on Fire Island" by Frank O'Hara, and "Four Skinny Trees" by Sandra Cisneros, then imagining objects we could spy from our own windows and endow with human characteristics. We found everyday objects giving advice, singing songs, scolding, and listening patiently to complaints. I found that one group of kids actually wanted to write poems about their own hands, which yielded some intriguing results. I plan to take next week to do second drafts of these poems, since this is sort of a sophisticated assignment, and a good opportunity to spend some time revising.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
The Star
Maricela E.
Last night a star told me, “Make
a wish, make a wish that tells
about your big brother being nice
and to never hit someone. Or maybe
to never fight with your sister,
brother and you. And tell me your
poem please.”
Left Right
Jennifer N.
How the left hand is smart.
“You write fast,” said the right
hand to the left hand. “I’m fast
because I go to school,” replied the
left hand.
Carlos L.
I have a toy that
talks to me at night.
He’s scary. In sun
he’s gone.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
The Sun
Kevin C.
I say to the sun, Go away,
I have to go to sleep.
You are shining too much light
on me
and I have to go to school.
Four Skies Came
Maricarmen J.
The four skies came and said
to me, “Go to bed.”
The sky told me, “Come outside
and run.”
Also the sky told me, “Keep keep
And I am the only one that
understands them.
The four skies, they say to me, “Do
your homework.”
Joaquin M.
The sun says, “Don’t touch me
because I am hot.”
I play with the sun every day and
he gives us light.
The sun is big and I am
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
The Wind
Sebastian C.
The wind comes when we come
out. The wind comes in your face with its
feet and red glowing eyes that glow
in the dark. A mouth with big sharp teeth
that are very shiny. I think that’s the sun
but really that’s the wind. The wind has arms
and pointy elbows. The End.
A Star that Talks
Giselle H.
Tonight I see twinkling stars.
It is like if they are playing a music
box. The twinkling star said,
“Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder
what’s your name?” I said, “My name
is Giselle Herrera.” It is if like
the twinkling star put glitter
on. Then the twinkling star said,
“Make a wish and I’ll grant it.”
I said, “I wish there was more than
one twinkling star.” The twinkling star
took out its wand, out of
her room, and she granted my wish.
The moon said, “The next night when
you look out your window, you’ll
see lots of twinkling stars.”
The Wind
Sergio P.
The wind tells you to shut the
window or else it’ll be cold. The wind also
tells you to put on a sweater and jacket
before going outside. When you go outside
you don’t know who is following you.
The wind is. The wind pushes you
and tells you: Walk faster, or run.
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: 3rd grade, Cisneros, O'Hara, personification, voice
Monday, November 26, 2007
One consistently popular poetic form among students is the ode. They are drawn to its exalted style, used to celebrate everyday things otherwise taken for granted. We read Pablo Neruda's "Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market" and discussed how he describes the tuna, as well as how he feels about it. Students were then given the choice of writing either an ode to something they love, or an anti-ode to something they hate. There were so many excellent responses, it was difficult to choose, but here is a representative selection.
Ms. Fialkowski (402)
Ode to a Tiny Kitten
Virginia B.
That kitten has a
little little nose, a
very little tail and
a very cute face.
That kitten, that kitten
she has cute eyes
she is so small,
and very very cute.
This kitten fits in
my hand, she
fits perfectly in
my hands. She
gets in trouble, she
comes by my house,
she hides under
this very big crate.
She has a button nose.
This kitten!
Ode to My Dog
Ivory G.
I love my dog.
But lately he is
a pain! But still, he
is so cute and
cuddly! He always wants
tummy rubs! He wants
to lick you when
you get some! Yuck!
He is such a cutie
when he jumps in
the air for doggy
treats! But, all in
all, he loves to be
happy and jumpy!
I love my dog
because he makes me
feel special and goofy!
Anti-Ode to Olives
Sergio M.
I hate olives very
much, they look at
me and make me
weird. They're green and
red and make my
stomach growl.
They make me
feel sick when
they're on my plate
so I feed them
to my dog. I hate
olives, I hate olives
so I wrote this
Ode to Genius People
Ricardo P.
For the things they made
so they made
a TV and Game Cube
so no more bad
things like board games
but I am amazed
that they made
some good things.
These genius people
are great to make
these things.
So they also made
video games for fun.
Ode to My Family
David V.
My family
takes care of me.
They're the ones
how they
love me. They
are nice to
me when sometimes
I'm a jerk
to them. They
me when
I am
hungry. Without them
I'd be in the
streets. They buy
me stuff when
don't have to.
I am the luckiest
in the world.
Ms. Michel (403)
My Ode to Swimming
Daniel A.
Ode to swimming,
boy it is so
I love to go
swimming but
sometimes I am
alone and I
am so sad.
I love to swim
I can even flip
swimming swimming
want to
swim to the depths
of an ocean. I hope
to discover many new
things on my journey.
Only if I had
gills I could swim
all of
the beautiful fishes
in the depths of the
ocean. This is all
of my ode to
swimming and how
much I love it.
Ode to a Dog
Luis O.
Outside in the open
field, I see a dog
rubbing my shoe.
Poor dog, you must
be hungry, maybe
some water so
you won't
get thirsty.
Maybe I'll give
you a whole
pack of bones
for your whole
life, only if
you won't
come back. But if
you do I'll take
care of you forever.
If you do come back
I'll give you a
dog house, pool table,
bed, a mini fridge and
more only if
you come back.
Ode to Football Players
Alexander R.
Among the
big, strong
I see
as kings
of sports,
hits and
around them
there are
yards to
run, they
are fast
like a
Only you will
cheer them
up. They
will be in
pain but they
never quit
they are like
machines knowing
what to do
at the right
They are
all evil out
there, hitting
other players
just to get
good team
work. That's
why I write an ode
to football players.
Ode to Pizza
Daisy V.
Smells good
Cold pizza
Lots of ingredient
Cheese, pepperoni, green peppers
Big and fat crust
Shaped like a circle
Slices like a square
And triangle
Ms. Hughesdon (407)
Ode to My New Puppy
Salena C.
My puppy, my puppy
I think she is
she's a pit bull
no muzzles
hates puzzles
loves to fish
thinks I'm its mother
like no other
I got my wish
she has her favorite
hates my brother
sister, father and mother
she likes my aunt
Daisy's cat, Chico Aguirre
loves me and Daisy
which is quite lazy
The Ode to Mac and Cheese
Omar C.
I saw mac and
cheese at school
I ate some
it was good
I ate more it
was very, very good
I couldn't stop
eating I finished
asked for
more they all
said no so I
stopped asking
and eating.
Ode to Christmas
Brenda R.
I like Christmas
because the
tree with
the different color lights
with presents all
around it
on Christmas my mom
cooks cake and a lot
of things to eat
my family in my
house celebrating the wonder-
ful holiday the thing
I like most is opening the
presents on Christmas
Anti-Ode to Erasers
Miguel R.
I hate them
some they rip paper
some don't erase right
some just rip by themselves.
Some erase nasty
leave marks on your paper
some are small or huge
soft or dry
and some just fly off
that's why I hate erasers.
Ms. Montoya (405)
Ode to Technology
Daisy A.
Oh technology, how
I love you.
You give me
and TV too.
Without you,
I would feel
so glum.
You give me
and help me too.
Without you,
I would feel
so mad.
The way you
do everything,
it's so cool and
Oh technology, how
I love you.
You give me
CD players,
and music too.
Without you,
I would feel
so sad!
Ode to TV of Fighting
Roberto A.
I like seeing fighting.
On TV or computer.
There's cool fighting people.
With good fighting skills.
We like seeing fighting.
They have no fright.
That's when they fight.
I have fighting games.
I like to play.
My cousin fights too.
We both do.
Ode to Cats
Cynthia G.
Among the cats
their furry
skins, white and
black, almost
always cry for
food, milk, or
games to play with
them, always love
playing. Don't dare
to ignore them
they will scratch
you and they
will never stop
crying so you
better listen to
them they really
scratch hard.
Some of them
look cute but
are really devils
because you
will never
imagine how
mean they
and when
they are
kitties they
are really cool
they just
stay still
they're not like
real cats.
Because they
are really cool
no matter
Ode to Birds
Michelle M.
I like my birds
because they are
a lot of fun to
play with.
I take them out
to my mom's room
and they always look
at the mirror.
They're very funny.
One day we took
them to the veterinarian
and she said the woman
was going to have baby birds.
When I first got the woman bird
the male was happy to see her,
they were excited. We bought
them their house and a little
next for their babies.
Ode to Television Sobre Todo las Novelas
Monica M.
A mi me gusta
la television sobre todo las
novelas. Son interesante y
divertidas. Siempre me acuesto
a verlas novelas. Me
gustan mucho por que
hay de muchas clases.
Hay algunas que son
sensibles y romanticas. Tambien
hay de encuentros. Yo
me entretengo hay. Ademas
en la television salen
peliculas, videos, entrevistas, programas
y de todo. En
la television te puedes
aprender de muchas cosas
que pasan al rededor
del mundo. La television
es algo que necesita
electricidad pues es electronico.
Te divierte mucho el
televisor tambien por sus comedias.
Ms. Graefen (404)
Ode to Christmas
Elva C.
I like
'cause it has
get to be
with family
eat mole and
and sleep
'cause it takes
a lot to open
when it's
for presents
we get
That's the only
word to say.
I like Christmas,
whoever invented
Christmas, thank you!!!
Ode to Playing Dodge Ball
Eliliana L.
Dodge ball is cool fun
I love playing it
you get to pick
partners. If you're
out, you're out. If
you catch the ball
you get one in
from your team.
Dodge ball is for
people who know
how to move
very fast and run
too. That's why I
like dodge ball
because I
know I
run very very
fast. Also I move
fast too.
Ode to Running
Anthony S.
you feel
the fresh air
in your face
while running
running is fast
you pass a lot of
grass, trees and
also animals
animals like
squirrels, dogs
and also birds
running is having fun
you exercise
while running
when you race
you could win
you practice
running, while running
you see lots of
you are fast
if you run
and run and
don't give up
you play
while running
you can play
tag, cops and
robbers or
freeze tag
you run
and run
and don't
let them
catch you
running is
fun and it
is also
Mr. Heredia (414)
Ode to Basketball
Keith D.
I like
how it
if I
it might
When I make the
shot I like
the sound
of the net
If I don't
that I
might make
a hiss.
Ode to My Mom
Carina G.
My mom has always
been there for me
through the pain, crying
and suffering she does
anything to make me
happy she helps me
when I need her
she is always there
for me all the
time when I grow
up I want to
be just like her
my mom is the
world to me everything
when I cry she
helps me when I
go through pain she
helps me she is
the best mom in
the world I love
her so much one
day I will tell
her mom I want
to be just like
you when I grow
up even though we
pretend to dislike each
other we still like
to have fun mother
and daughter time my
mom always says I never
want you to grow
up so I tell
her in four years
I will be fifteen
and she always gets
mad and I love
Ode to Video Games
Edgar O.
I like video games.
Video games are cool.
Video games are like
computers. Games are cool, there
are cool systems and
games. How do they
make the game
I say?
How do they put
the game on the
I wonder how, when
you put them on
your TV, how does
it work?
Games are cool, wow.
How do you make
it? You're amazed when
you get to a
new level. Wow so
cool when you pass
the game.
Ode to Christmas
Carlos Z.
I write an ode
to Christmas because
when I see the
tree it brightens my
Then when you wake
up you see all
of the presents and
you want to open
them but it's better
when you open them
with your family!
Posted by
10:15 PM
Labels: 5th grade, Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market, odes, Pablo Neruda, poetry, teaching
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Haikusplosion II
This haiku assignment turned out to be a meaty toothsome project that stretched over a couple of weeks. Deceptively simple in their bite-sized length and crystalline subject matter, haiku sometimes look easier than they are. Below are some new ones, and some that were made over and edited this week, so you can see how they have progressed.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
Vanessa M.
They sky is blue
The bird is singing
The bus is driving
Sergio H.
I see the sky
green and pink
when I was playing
Jenny N.
In this moment my
sister Kayla is making
trouble all over.
Miguel C.
I see rocks crushing each
other in the blue sea of far from here
to the other side.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
Luis M.
The trees are down on the ground.
I hear the birds.
The family is waking up.
Karina G.
Outside there are
dogs cats and trees houses
a lot of leaves
Angelica V.
The leaves are falling and I like
that they fall to my family too.
My family is so happy that I got big
and my sisters grew a lot.
Jhoan B.
in the world the earth
moves but you cannot feel it because
it is moving too slowly
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
Ashley A.
My mom is raking
the leaves so we can jump in them.
Me, her, and all them.
Jennifer R.
I am thinking about
my friend jumping in the leaves
that are green that are crunching
in fall.
Michelle B.
The sky is blue now
The clouds are coming out now
It’s going to rain
Jordy D.
Now mom is talking
on the phone to check all the things
are going good.
Posted by
9:18 PM