N.B.: This will be my last posting from the 2007 - 2008 school year at Shields. Some of the other teachers may continue to post for a few more entries. Posting will resume in fall of 2008, when the new residencies begin. Thank you for reading!
After reading Nita Penfold's "My Poem,"--in which she describes her poems as "not polite ladies," who "won't sit still"--we discussed Penfold's method of describing her poems as people with their own will. We also talked about her use of the title as also the first line of the poem. I then asked them to write their own poems, "My Poems," or alternately, "My Words" (which could extend into other areas of language). These entertaining poems resulted; I felt like they were integrating a lot of the various imagery and tools we've experimented with this year.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
My Poem Speaks
Andrea P.
My poem talks to me when
I don’t have nobody to
talk with. Or when I am sad
he confesses me and he
says funny jokes and words. But
my poem is a really good
speaker. He confesses me when
I am angry. But my poem
is the best.
My Poem Speaks to Me
Daniel R.
My poem speaks to me all the time
and we always play and in the night we
talk and we go to eat. We speak to
each other and we play games and
we go to sleep. My poem wanted to
sleep with me and always be nice
to each other, and my poem is the
biggest poem in the world, and he
acts weird and dumb. And he is
a bird and his wings are too small,
and when he speaks to me and then
he always falls down the stairs
and he is nice to me, and we go to
the park. We speak to each other.
My Poems
Sergio H.
My poems speak to me when I want
to read. My poems share the stories with
other people. My poem is a paper and on top
of the paper is a bird
that flies. And shows the paper
to other people.
Loud People in the Halls
Nicole O.
Loud people are in the halls
making lots of noise. Sometimes I
say to myself to be not
loud. When there’s lots of noise
I feel when there’s lots of noise
in the hallway I say to myself,
The girls and boys are so loud
and annoying and they’re so loud. I am
not loud at all.
My Poems
Maricela E.
appear on papers how the appear
in different ways
they appear like people
they could appear the
same poem once and
again it could
appear many ways
however you write it will
appear it could
be any way you want
they tell what to do
Mrs. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
My Poems
Victor P.
Cuando escribo, siento que me voy
a ser un niño inteligente.
Cuando escribo yo siento que
el papel se siente feliz.
Luis M.
My poems keep my secrets.
My poems tell me, Run as fast as
you can, you can’t catch me.” My poems
act like two little brothers.
My poems don’t keep secrets from me.
My poems look like a sun because
they jump like in the folder. My poems
say thank you to me.
My Poems
Andrea R.
My poems come to my brain and come with me.
The peoples the teacher bring are scary sick.
When is Valentine’s? The teacher
is really beautiful.
When the teacher comes I write a poem to babies.
The day of moms I write a poem.
The teacher is really good poems because the poems,
the poems I write are not good.
I like the poems.
The poems are my favorite. When I write.
The people are really happy when I write the poems.
When the people see, and my mom says it’s the best writing.
My Poems
Esmeralda P.
The poems inspire me and
my poems are like family.
They are nice and sometimes
But they are always going to
love me and that’s never going
to change.
And I am going to love them
forever forever.
And I’m happy. I like my life.
March 26, 2008
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
My Poems
Angelica A.
My poems get that screaming.
They get annoying.
They get crazy.
They get nosy.
They get tired.
They get loud.
They get red.
They get heart.
They get too blue.
They get too mad.
They get too bloody.
They get blood on their hands.
They get too heart.
They get furious.
They get too much look.
They get very furious.
They get very sweaty.
They get burning.
They get drums in their head.
They get too loud.
They get too mad.
They get scared.
They get an idea.
They get too personal.
They get too sleepy.
They get too watery.
They get too much furious.
They get too softy.
They get too mad.
My Words
Sergio P.
come by my mouth
They give me answers
to make me smart and to
give me a start.
They’re not mean and they
don’t shout. They’re good
and nice.
My Poem
Moises A.
Writing poetry is like kicking a soccer ball.
But when I see it I go crazy. When I eat I think
my plate is a paper of poetry. I like dancing
with my friend Miss Poetry. I like dancing with
my friend Miss Poetry. I will have so much fun.
My Poems
Marcos B.
They’re like a man with
words all over him. Or like a
shoe but the words are shoelaces.
My poems come if I imagine
this. They come if I’m happy but
they come quiet. When I’m
sad they come to me screaming.
I like my poems and I’ll write them
all until it’s too late to play
with the words in all.
My Poems
Joel D.
My mouth is loud
My car is in the parking lot.
My mind is getting find.
My mouth is in the President’s house.
My car is far, in the Pacific Ocean.
My mouse is in the house.
My March is in the garage.
My name is in flame.
My friends are friends.
My bank is thank.
My Poems
Nestor H.
are the stars in the beautiful
night sky. How I get my
poems is like hair; when you
are a baby you start
out with little bits of hair.
Then as you get older
you get more hair. This is
how I get my thoughts.
My Poems
Jordy D.
keep making me write more
I feel my poem is going to
rip the paper if I stop
he’s not nice and he keeps
tapping me on the
I get mad sometimes
I tell my dad
My Poems
Jazmin N.
They way the wind blows me
and tells me something. They way the
clouds tell me what to writea dn
the way the air tells me to do.
The way in the night the soul of
me tells me to write this. The
soul of me wakes me up just
to write and write. When I go to
sleep my poems come to me
and would not let me sleep. Until
I write it.
My Poems
Giselle H.
My words come to me when I’m in a middle
of a dream. The words are like if they
jump out and say, “This is boring. I’m
leaving.” And suddenly you wake up and have
an idea. If you think it stinks don’t throw it
in the sink. They rhyme doesn’t need to
follow. They point isn’t needed. All you need is
inspiration. If at first you don’t succeed don’t
give up. And don’t fuss just try again.
If I daydream a word
stretches me back.
About Hands on Stanzas
Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Last post of the year for me: "My Poems"
Posted by
12:26 PM
Labels: 3rd grade, language, metaphor, personification, poetry
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Work Poems
Poet, essayist, editor, translator, and former tenant lawyer, Martín Espada writes from the point of view a misunderstood worker in "Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits." Students read Espada's poem, discussed its messages regarding racism, pride and human dignity, then wrote work-themed poems of their own.
Ms. Fialkowski, 5th Grade
!!A Big Hair Cut!!
Erica A.
Who knows where
I'm from,
I'm from the
country of a stylist.
I've always cut hair.
There is hair on the floor.
Who can speak
my name,
I understand the
people in the salon,
looking at the chairs
like a car seat.
My name is lost
by everybody calling me.
What I do
is good,
I am good
at cutting hair,
but sometimes have
a bad attitude.
Maybe people will
some day understand why.
Untitled (Work Poem)
Claudia A.
There is my dad
working with cars
fixing them, painting
I want to be
like my dad
but I do not
know how
to do that.
I always wanted
to be a model
or a singer
because I love
it so much.
Maybe I am
not going to
work on that.
I will change
my mind.
Martha the Hotel Cleaner
Jonathan R.
I have many friends,
the mop,
the vacuum,
and my hands.
I hear them talking to me
when I rest. Excited if one knows,
knows that we are kind, truthful,
and helpful.
The magic of my hands,
working until sore,
I don't get paid enough
for this, or make enough cleaning.
I'm not like the lazy lady on
the third floor. I can overcome
any job anytime.
Untitled (Work Poem)
Katy R.
When I grow up I want to be a
teacher. I want to let kids
know what I know. I want
to have a classroom, big and
clean one.
I could walk in the hall straight
to my mail box and see what
I have. I could go to lunch
and eat. I could grade work.
I could see what they're eating and
smell it, too. I could see a lot
of things in my classroom and
this is why I want to be a teacher,
to let kids know what I know.
Untitled (Work Poem)
David V.
Work is what I
do. I help
people in their
I wear a
clean suit.
Some good
shoes with
that suit. Also a tie.
I help them to
get money or I
save them. I get
a lot of
money. I had
to go to school
for that
job. It takes years
for me to have
that job. I am a
Ms. Michel, 5th Grade
My Future Job
Daniel A.
The job I want
in the
future would
be a super
also I would
want to be a
super hero because
I like to help
a person in trouble.
Even if the
job is helping an
old lady cross the
street I would
like to
be there to help
the person
But really
no one
will remember me
because I'll always
be out to help
Then when I am
I will probably
be known as
greatest man that lived.
And last they will
something after me
at least I was
a super hero.
My First Job
Alondra B.
Today is my
first day
as a kindergarten
teacher. I have
butterflies in
my tummy.
I really
hope it
goes well.
I don't
want a
noisy classroom
like mine in
I hope that
they are angels.
Well that's
why I'm here.
To teach
them ABC's
and also 123's
now that
I think
about it
this won't
be quite so
Untitled (Work Poem)
Servando O.
I think that I want
to be a doctor because
I'd like to be a doctor.
I'd like to be a doctor
because I want
to be a doctor
because I want
to save lives.
I think
that's why I want
to be a doctor and
if somebody in my
house gets sick I
don't have to go
to a doctor.
Ms. Hughesdon, 5th Grade
The Veterinarian Technician
Marlene C.
I wonder if they see
me for who I am
not a person who
takes care of an
ant. They call her
the vet, not by
her name. They
bring her a lion
to check his mane.
Abel G.
they bring food and take orders
when the people eat there they
leave plates the waiters pick
it up the waiters have
hard times with customers
the customers complain all
day the waiters have to bring
the food fast also they have
to get to the customers' orders
fast too. sometimes they get
little tips and sometimes a lot
they work hard.
How It Feels to Be a Baseball Player
Jesus N.
No one knows how it feels
but it feels good.
It feels like you're the
best if you made it to
the major league
with hundreds of people
around watching you.
And when you eat seeds
on the bench with other players.
But when retirement comes you feel
like a legend and All Star.
Untitled (Work Poem)
Rodolfo P.
A soccer player
I would be the
number ten.
I would
also be
a good sportsman
would show
I would also
make my
team Chivas
Untitled (Work Poem)
Gustavo R.
Aunt Maritza
works at Blockbuster
sells movies each day
stands there as an owl would
in a tree
stays there all day
and comes back at night
Ms. Montoya, 5th Grade
Untitled (Work Poem)
Ramiro G.
When I grow up I want to be
an astronaut because I could
explore space, find new
planets and float in a
space ship.
Juan J.
As a soldier, life is hard. All the work
is what I hate. People disrespect me, as
a prisoner or slave. Using pistols the wrong
way or eating beans, that makes a big
beat. I shall quit, but not today. As in
a war, people in red, the gun fires, as I
watched it explode. This is the
day I shall quit. As I hide, no one
can find me. I went far away, as
I was dead. I have a great life
Untitled (Work Poem)
Linet L.
My dad works.
My dad is a baker.
He does not like it.
You could see why
he does not like
He gets home tired.
He works a lot.
You could see why.
I would like to be
a worker.
What job should I
May I be a police,
firefighter, or an
Could be.
Maybe I could be an
Could be hard
or easy.
May I make
I want to be
an astronaut.
It could be hard.
Seeing the stars
and searching for
more information.
Untitled (Work Poem)
Natalie T.
When I grow up I
would be a clothes designer.
My work is wonderful,
I can design a shirt, a
skirt, everything I want.
I have my store. I could
do clothes for famous
people, I could see my
art on people. There's many
things to make.
I could design a bag
with cars or flowers or
even flames. I could put
bells or dollars. I could
just use imagination
to create and sell, see
how wonderful I
can make it, any way,
it's wonderful.
Ms. Graefen, 5th Grade
Untitled (Work Poem)
Alejandro A.
The job I would like is a
soccer job, to play with
a team because
I could get
money for my
Each game I play
I get at least 30 thousand
dollars or more and other
teams could buy me and
they may give me more
money, or the same.
I would like to
start with Manchester
Elva C.
Some people are
nice, some are not.
Some are sick
some are healthy.
In the hospital
everybody is
quiet. I can
barely hear the
sound of something
There's someone waiting
for me and I should
attend them.
To Work
Magdalena F.
The hardness of working.
The time you put into working.
Working so tiring.
Working so long
to work...
work, work, work,
work, work, work,
My Job
Maggie M.
I don't like my job
I draw for a living
I don't like it cuz my art is like a
I draw but it's blank
Today I stop
I will draw but
not for a living
The Job I'll Have
Anthony S.
When I grow up I'm going to be an inventor.
The thing I'm going to do is invent stuff for
you. I will be working and working to put
something together. I will be drawing and
writing just to see what to do. I'm
going to like this job because I will be
drawing. I'm going to be an inventor and
invent things for you.
Mr. Heredia, 5th Grade
Untitled (Work Poem)
Samantha B.
No one does not care
what I do.
All they love is art.
I try, try and try
but once there
I wonder if the pencil
can move.
My art goes high in the sky
but no one sees it.
I wonder why, did I do
something wrong?
I will not draw any more.
Will they stop and see
that there is no more
of me?
Pete the Doorman
Stefanie M.
Standing by the door, Pete
realizes no one is passing by.
He is fatigued, so he places the
doorstop under the door.
He looks across the shallow,
hollow hallway, waiting to see
Finally someone comes, but
he's moving like a turtle.
Three hours later the lunch bell
rings. The person is barely coming
out when Pete takes the doorstop
out and slams the door, not
noticing the person.
I guess he was too hungry.
Untitled (Work Poem)
Fernando P.
People cheering in the stands
shooting round orange
balls in the
Getting the ball, bouncing
it, thump, thump, thump.
When I shoot the
crowd goes wild
because I have the
best job in the
The Teacher
Leslie S.
All I see is
white behind his back.
And his colorful clothes.
Talk, talk, talk.
This, that, this.
What is the capital
of the United States?
Sometimes sleepy.
Sometimes happy.
Sometimes cranky.
Grading papers
B's, A's, C's, D's, F's.
His pen in his hand,
nod, nod, nodding his head.
Untitled (Work Poem)
Adella S.
No one knows how hard
it is to work late
at night
to cook and clean
to take care of a family
to keep a family alive
or to
take care of the loving
ones and take care
of yourself
to help one another or to
work as hard as you can to
keep the ones you love
safe and healthy
No one knows how hard it is
to work until you
try it
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: 5th grade, Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits, Martín Espada, work
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Collaborative Poetry
For the past two sessions, we've been experimenting with collaboration - two or more poets working to write a single poem. I brought in examples from Joshua Beckman and Matthew Rohrer's Nice hat. Thanks., which consists almost entirely of very short poems (some as short as two lines) and reads very much like two friends passing a notebook back and forth. The students took well to the light, casual tone, humor, and especially the non-sequitir bits. The undoubted winner from the examples I shared was:
I knew Spanish
before it was cool.
Often it's a challenge to know where to begin with such poems, so I brought a stack of around 60 index cards, each with a word written on it (like "tiger" or "sad" or "flying") as a topical jumping-off point - to help keep the students from waffling about what to write. "The more you think, the harder it will be!" I told them. An invitation not to think? Nope! An invitation to associate freely, which, I assured them, all poets should do often and with abandon!
They flew! The poems were wonderful and they had the most fun I've seen yet this year.
Mr. K., Rm. 205
3rd Grade
I lost my things
Edgar C. and Marco T.
I lost my PSP
I lost Bryan's big head
I lost Bryan Cruz, games
I lost my 50 dollar bill
I lost my grandma
I lost my dad's wheel
Adrian M. and Michael G.
I have a secret Michael
That I am cool
My secret is that you are my best friend
but I am still, that I am cool
My other secret, I feel like flying
but I think we are still flying
Damien M. and Anthony P.
Everybody has two hands. We have two hands.
Hands are for writing. Hands are cool.
Goodbye hands. Hi hands. Goodbye hands.
Hands are not for slapping.
Elizabeth C. and Rocio R.
I have no one
I have the song
It is scary
It is boring
It is not fun
Ms. Sandoval-Johnson, Rm. 001
3rd Grade
Daniel and Cesar
I have an orange
and I ate it.
Your shirt is orange
my pants are blue.
The world is orange and people are too
dogs are purple
Hearts are destroyed
My friend is orange
and my parents are orange.
Tables are things to be on.
An orange is on a table and I ate it.
People are made of oranges.
How do tables and oranges dance?
They dance by couples, a table and an
orange get together to dance.
Why are oranges so good
to some people? They are good and
juicy. Why do bananas and oranges and apples fight?
Rosi P. and Roayma M.
I did a mistake
because you did not tell me.
I made a mistake
because I read your secret.
My mistake is
I eat ice cream in the
My mistake is
because I was late
for school.
My mistake is
I ride a bicycle.
My mistake is
because I didn't
know how to ride
a bicycle.
Have you made a
mistake in a
Yes, I have
had a mistake
because I rode
a bicycle when
I didn't know
how to ride it.
Ruben E. and Raymond C.
I saw a mouse in the house
and the mouse chased me
it ran so fast that it caught up to me
my friends came over to play with
me and the mouse chased them
because they were scared then they caught
the mouse by the mouse trap
it landed and it got caught.
Lisette and Jasmine S.
I have a dog
I love my dog
My dog loves to play
My dog loves to flip
I play with my dog
I like to play with my dog
hide seek
I take my dog out for a walk
on a cold day
My dog is very cold
because I found it in the street
My dog is cold
because it took a shower
My dog is stinky
because he doesn't take a shower
My dog is soft as
a pillow
Ms. Marfise, Rm. 002
3rd Grade
David F. and Ginel G.
Magic show
Cool tricks
Women cut in half
How do you know?
Because I've been to one to see it up front
You've convinced me alright
Veronica G. and Isaac H.
The news said it was going to
rain today
For real!
Yes, didn't you hear?
No, you're the one who could hear
Were you brushing your news?
What do you mean?
I mean that you were brushing your
TV so you did not hear.
You are weird, bye.
Bye, see you later.
Want to dance in the rain?
Ok, let's go!
Want to dance in the rain?
How do you dance in the rain?
Drink the drops and run around
like crazy.
Ciro, Jeffrey, and Ricardo
My hands I use to cook.
My hands I use to swim.
I use my hands to turn on the TV.
I use my hands to open the water.
I use my hands to open the door.
I use my hand to say goodbye.
Isabel and Karen
An old man is lonely
I was lonely in the house
My own dad is lonely and scared
My dad is lonely
An umbrella is lonely in the basement
I'm lonely in Mexico
A donkey is lonely in the zoo
Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely, I got nobody on
my own I'm Mr. Lonely.
I have the song of Mr. Lonely.
Ms. McCormick, Rm. 214
3rd Grade
Nelly Q. and Denise N.
A person crying is
very sad
sad and mad
as bad
the bear is sad
because he got sick
I was sad
because I'm mean
the bear so sad - why?
he got shocked
he was scared
he is so brown
and he is so
fearless and
hungry every time
he goes to sleep.
Isabel C. and Crystal A.
Money is
rich stuff
that I
to have
or not.
I love
because I
like to
buy my
stuff so
I can
go to
a party
and get
all fancy
and rich.
Me and
my best
friend go
to the
bank to
go get
my money
so I
can get
rich and
fancy clean.
Me and
my friend
are thinking
of building
money at
the bank
so we
can go
to a
rich store.
Gabriel S. and Alexis R.
Wild animal wants to wait
for the waves that
he just ate, he hates the
water he needs faith.
Nicolas V. and Ms. McCormick
I walk in the sidewalk with my dad.
Having a great day laughing and joking
and hungry
Yum! hot dogs with ketchup
and mustard
while we watch the Sox game.
Mrs. Rodriguez, Rm. 401
5th Grade
Andrea T. and Maria M.
Wild dog chasing a soft ant.
Little soft ant is very scared.
Wild dog running towards the bank.
The dog goes back home to rest.
The creep dog staring really sad.
But he finds hope with a new owner.
Then I see he found his owner.
And he will stick with his owner
for as long as he lives.
He will live with his rich owner.
And will never need anything
in his life.
Cynthia G. and Suranny D.
A lonely bird in a tree
is singing in a lonely tree
no one to see her
she is lonely and sad.
A girl is lonely in the park
she is playing in a lonely park
Why is she lonely?
Because her parents are not there.
She had no friends
to be able to play with.
Mrs. Rodriguez said goodbye
as she leaves lonely
Mrs. Rodriguez said goodbye
and she leaves in her lonely car.
I said goodbye now I'm lonely
I am lonely because she said goodbye
now what do we do
we should say goodbye.
Jesus and Jose
A working man is singing
in the heights, then what
happens to the working
man? He falls and breaks his
head. He comes back up
and falls again and breaks
his arm. He comes back
and the working man
lost his job and he goes
home angry.
The teacher works
the teacher works
oh why does the
teacher work? To teach,
teach the students that need
Selena and Jacqueline
The planets all spin without
The planets are spinning next to the
The dog chasing its tail
and it fell on its bottom
The baby is spinning to get the
All these things are so
bizarre, and it tells me
who you are.
All the cups are spinning outside just
to get a dog to fly to the planets.
Ms. Breen, Rm. 201
3rd Grade
Oscar and Alejandro
I have shoes. When I think
of shoes I think of black shoes.
I tie my shoe.
One black and one white.
I lost my shoe.
I lost my shoelace.
I found the shoe.
I found my shoelace.
I will wear my gym shoe.
I will wear my black shoes.
Joshua M. and Jocelyn M.
The wind blows the waves,
it blows me and you.
The waves blow us through
the town. In every town the wind
blows the waves then blows us,
the waves are nice to see.
Eric V. and Juan
We made a mistake
We fix our mistake
We think about our mistake
We think we're a
bad class
We tell the teacher we're sorry
We aren't a good class
Do you fix your mistake?
Andrew and Erik G.
I have a blue chair.
I have a blue crayon.
I have a blue nametag.
I have a blue car.
I blew my nose.
I played in the hose
blue blue blue what are we
going to do.
The Earth is blue.
I play in the ocean.
The pencil is red.
It's time for bed.
Josselin G. and Veronica A.
Red is like a heart
Red is your life
Red is like blood
Our teacher's shirt is red
Red is a color
Your lips are red
An eraser is red
Red is for Valentine's Day
Red is for love
Books are red
My friend's shirt is red
A balloon is red
Red is for the US flag
That's what is red
In the second week, I returned with the index cards and a new challenge, which was definitely a challenge: exquisite corpse, or as I introduced, "half-blind" poems. Poet A writes two lines, folds over the paper to conceal the first; Poet B writes two lines to follow Poet A's second line, then folds over paper to conceal all but the last line, and so on and so forth. Difficult to explain to adults, let alone third graders! BUT, once we did a few examples and I demonstrated how to fold the paper, I wound up with stacks of accordioned notebook paper filled with admirable work!
Mr. K., Rm. 205
3rd Grade
[...poems to come!]
Ms. Sandoval-Johnson, Rm. 001
3rd Grade
Steve B., Oscar O., Raymond C.
It was sunny then it got rainy.
It is cold and hot.
It is summer and winter.
It is winter.
It is cold.
It got warm. Then it got hot as a
It is fall. And it is March.
It is morning.
It is night.
Yadira A. and Alejandra I.
It was cold.
There was a loud tornado
Then the tornado destroyed the houses.
The tornado ran over a car.
It was very dangerous
I ran inside the house
And then the girl ran for mommy because
of the tornado
Then the tornado went away.
Another little girl said waaa all the
way home.
The tornado was spinning very fast.
Then a girl was giving hugs
when the tornado was on.
A tornado was on when a girl fell off
the roof.
Alex N., Cesar N., Jonathan V.
He had the coolest shirt in the whole wide
world that no one could resist it.
That morning as birds singing
as dogs and cats yelling
leprechauns running
a lucky charm in the air
trying to go to the sky all over the place
that hit some one's head yesterday
the park had an earth covered
as grass
has grass on it
nasty freckle juice
that smelled the worst as
a very wet dog
as a cat wet
as a car wash
Ms. Marfise, Rm. 002
3rd Grade
Veronica G. and Karen S.
I lost my teddy cat
it was pink with yellow in the ears with a green bow
One day I got lost in the forest it was scary
then I got out of the forest
I think you saw
a wolf, bear, and a coyote
One day I saw a dog lost
then I took it to his owner
I know I saw it.
Mireya A. and Amores M.
I love flying
in an airplane
In the clouds
and in the sky
did you say you like
flying in the sky
really high
pretty nice
I know it is pretty
nice in the sky
in the clouds
with the birds
I know it is nice
with the birds and the clouds
with the sun
really hot
Omar R. and David F.
I knew my teacher
before she knew me
she said "Hello, who are you?"
And then, I said my name.
Then I sat in my desk
and did my work
while she talked
and I ignored it.
I work
and then I talk.
Shalynn S. and Alina C.
I had hands
before your mama
the old days before
your grandma.
I was hot
before your mom
when I was your
your mama was born on
a leap year
before the year you
were born
you're very old like
Jose, Xavier and Raymond
My little cousin is a pest
and he tied me on a rope
so I could swing
into the water.
I fell
belly up
and he started to whack me
he hit me with a stick
because he was trying
to steal from me
my game boy
my dad worked
hard to get it.
Ms. McCormick, Rm. 214
3rd Grade
Kiara M., Casandra S., Alicia D.
Around and round it goes
I see a top colorful
It looks like the colors are twirling
Colors mixing together
It is a rainbow
You could see it in your house
The colors are so pretty
Children love to play with them
Children love to get wet with them too
People put swimming clothes on to get wet with them
A toy that floats
When you're swimming.
Nelly Q., Denise N., Alejandra R.
I saw something in the forest
it was a
bird that flew away
then it went to
the tree
and then it flew back
it was a wild tiger
it was about to eat me
it was a big giant animal
it had black and orange
and his feet were black
then his face was more wild
when the wild tiger saw it was
a big bird flying
it was so scared that...
Crystal, Isabel, Nancy
There was a house
with clouds painted
with colors of every color
just like a picture painted
summer is fun
cold is done
spring is on
summer is coming up
so it might be fun
let's go swimming
swimming is fun
Mrs. Rodriguez, Rm. 401
5th Grade
Cynthia G. and Beverly A.
Hands do a lot of things
they are so cool
that they hang out with everyone
in the whole school
They have a reflection between their
open minds like a comet going to
People really like
dressing up for a party
Toys are so playful
There are different toys around the world
The most popular things I know are
computers, cars and flat screen TVs
The smartest class I know is
401 is very noticeable
like one whole brain.
Andrea T. and Maria M.
It is very dangerous. That big tiger it is.
He lives in the forest with pointy teeth.
Wish wish wish upon a star
that I would find a very good
He's really bad for you he could eat
in a bite.
Run little creature, run
and then we would play all day.
How could you play knowing a monster
is chasing after you?
Run little creature, run
without any worry and always have
so much fun.
But there's a big creature loving
to eat.
But run little creature, run.
At night me and my friend
would sit under the stars knowing
the monster is gone.
Ismael H. and Emmanuel M.
I looked at the sea
It was blue and deep
like the ocean
next to land
it was with people
it was filled
like a new bottle of water
from the store
we found it in books
it was as blue as the
like when it is high
and saying bye.
Ms. Breen, Rm. 201
3rd Grade
Oscar and Erick G.
I saw a big, large orange
I throw a big orange
and it lands in the grass
I broke in half the orange
the big orange
in the sky.
Cynthia M. and Bianca V.
A tiger is a big cat.
It has a bunch of stripes
like a zebra
or a worm
it has a long tail
it has scary teeth
like a monster
or a shark
it goes wild
but sometimes it's calm
like a bird
or a hamster
it is not small
it is huge
is it a bear
or a whale?
Julie G. and Diana A.
I wear glasses.
Do you wear
for a huge party
for dancing
in parties?
I love to dance
to music.
I love parties.
So do I.
My big party is on
the street
of Julie's house.
Who is Julie?
Do you like Julie?
Yes I do.
Do you?
Can you party?
Because I do.
Because I love to.
I love to dance and party.
Demetric and Erick R.
The sky is blue
and folders are blue
I am a blue flower
I am a blue girl and boy
I am a blue elephant
and a lovely girl with
a blue skirt
Posted by
locutio obsoleta
10:23 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
City Of... (mas y mas)
More astounding city poems, inspired by Walt Whitman's "City of Ships." Some students ended up on focusing on one feature of the city (cars, or food, for instance), and others ventured into some fantastical areas. Angelica's, for example, seems to take an almost surrealistic free-associative approach.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
City of Movies
Nicole O.
Some people go to the movies
or sometimes people don’t like to go to
the movies.
One day we went to the
movies and there were lots of people.
Or sometimes people just come
to get popcorn.
And when the movie started
it was so fun and my sister was
laughing at the movie and some
people in the back said, Sh sh sh sh!
The Busy City
Zamira M.
City of cars
all day traffic.
Big cars small
cars all kinds of cars.
City of schools.
The teachers are
nice, cute like
Mrs. Javellana. She
is the best teacher.
City of buildings, people, stores,
and restaurants. People buying presents.
City of families going
to the park! Having picnics.
City of Chicago that
has the best
City of Balloons
Sergio H.
The sky is full of balloons.
When I go out the balloons fall
and more balloons fall.
Even the houses are made of balloons.
The trees have balloons on top.
The streets are made of balloons.
Everything is made of balloons.
Even cars are made of balloons, in the inside have more
And roads are made of balloons, the road is longer
with balloons.
The schools have more more balloons to study.
And the grass is made of balloons.
Even the stores are made of tons of balloons.
The water is made of balloons.
The barn has a lot of balloons, the animals
do not have balloons.
The trucks, balloons on their backs.
And carried too many balloons to the
city. So people like to buy to many
City of Animals
Fernando L.
City of animals, of horses. Horses are fast and wild, horses are real
dangerous because they’re fast. When they’re wild, as you hit the
horse, go faster ways and cowboys.
O City of animals getting cold in the streets and police’s
guns and cars, cold animals and last of all our people’s
dog. O animals, so sad animals, all cold in the
Mrs. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
City of Cats
Maricarmen J.
The cats are nice
Black cat has green eyes
They also can be busy
Cats like some people
I like the city of cats
They also have to clean their city
Big cats are mad
I think they are nie
Cats have their own city
City of Ships
Luis M.
City of ships Chicago has
animals. Chicago has a lot of
pencils. Chicago is a great city. Chicago
has a lot of papers. Chicago
has stores everywhere. There are
cats rats shrews skunks dogs snakes.
There are 60 million people in Chicago.
City of ships Chicago has a lot of
book bags.
A City of Chicago
Lisbeth S.
I see in Chicago trees.
And buildings.
And persons that are everywhere.
And I see animals.
And lights and stores.
Like K-Mart or Target Walgreens
Gorley Pelly’s Wal-Mart.
And I see schools.
Karina G.
City of people, black, white, teachers.
City of dogs, butterflies, bunnies.
City of stores, schools.
City of pizza, hotdogs, nachos.
Ciy of computers.
City of doctors.
City of houses.
City of toys.
City of flowers.
City of animal stores.
City of princesses.
City of poems.
City of teddy bears.
I See Something
Adeline S.
I see people in the city people
that are black and white people.
And I see school. And doctors.
And police that are nice. And
doctors that are so nice, and I see
children and cars passing around. And
building houses. And I see stores and
And I see some dogs that are
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
The City
Angelica A.
City with a midway.
City with a highway.
City with California.
City with Colorado.
City with Africa.
City with schools.
City with Food 4 Less.
City with people who laugh.
City with people who care.
City with nice teachers.
City with learning.
City with subjects.
City with Asia.
City with North America.
City with oceans.
City with ghosts.
City with domes.
City with people.
City with stars.
City with books to read.
City with grass.
City with flowers.
City with fighting.
City with a card.
City with ships.
City with kites.
City with cups.
City with reading.
City with math.
City with Europe.
City with chips.
City with dogs.
City with cats.
City with a four-leaf clover.
City with monsters.
City of the World
Adrian D.
City of many people.
City! City with many libraries to
City! City with many ships and
boats that sail the seven seas.
City! City with many skies with
clouds that look like nature.
Chicago’s Things…
Giselle H.
We are the city of BEAUTIFULNESS!
City with DRUNK people!
City with PARTY people!
City of screaming CRAZY people!
City with running HOLLERING kids who
can’t let you sleep!
City of ghosts who haunt you!
City with CRAZY LOCA people!
And city of FUNKY music
that ROCKS out the HOUSE!
City of Chicago
Amada G.
City towers with big
business. Chicago schools
to learn and learn!!
A lot of people in Chicago
to be friends together.
Teachers who learn and
students who go.
Chicago that has
storms to scare little
kids in the world
we live.
City of Chicago
Zalma R.
Oh City of Chicago!
People work to live,
People play to have fun,
People plant roses to have oxygen,
People eat to be healthy,
People oh people,
People build libraries to study and read,
People buy houses to live and clean,
People build schools to learn and read,
People oh people stop writing please oh
City of Cars
Joel D.
City of cars.
cool cars
nice cars
boring cars
ugly cars
race cars
muscle cars
tuner cars
exotic cars
sports cars
80’s cars
alike cars
loop a loop cars
paper cars
40’s cars
Joel’s cars
Hamdan’s cars
leprechaun’s cars
summer cars
fixing cars
police cars
Jeff’s cars
Misterio’s cars
the Hardys’ cars
extended response cars
Patrick’s cars
Spongebob’s cars
Squarepants’ cars
Mr. Krab’s cars
Felipe’s cars
Carlos’ cars
Sebastian’s cars
City of People
Ashley A.
City of people I see people in
big restaurants.
City of people walking to the bus to
City of people with babies walking
to the store.
City of people with big ships
in the lake.
City of people seeing the
City of people walking to go
City of people singing lullabies
to their babies.
City of people driving in
City of…
City of cars.
City with flowers with pollen.
City with stadiums.
City with the United Center.
City with people.
City with laughter.
City with teachers.
City with children.
City with Little Ceasar’s
City with parties.
City with birthdays.
City with countries.
City with cities.
City with libraries.
City with mirrors.
City with Chicago.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Picture Poems
Kenneth Patchen is an American original: poet, dramatist, fiction writer, proto-Beat, and multi-media artist. His picture poems were the subject of this week's classes. Students read a short illustrated poem, "Like I Told You," from one of Patchen's books, then looked at and discussed other picture poems in color and black & white for inspiration. They were then asked to create decorated poems on any theme they chose. Click on the images for larger views.
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1:44 PM
Labels: 5th grade, Kenneth Patchen, Like I Told You, picture poems, poetry, teaching