We had a good time reading "A True Account of Talking to the Sun on Fire Island" by Frank O'Hara, and "Four Skinny Trees" by Sandra Cisneros, then imagining objects we could spy from our own windows and endow with human characteristics. We found everyday objects giving advice, singing songs, scolding, and listening patiently to complaints. I found that one group of kids actually wanted to write poems about their own hands, which yielded some intriguing results. I plan to take next week to do second drafts of these poems, since this is sort of a sophisticated assignment, and a good opportunity to spend some time revising.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
The Star
Maricela E.
Last night a star told me, “Make
a wish, make a wish that tells
about your big brother being nice
and to never hit someone. Or maybe
to never fight with your sister,
brother and you. And tell me your
poem please.”
Left Right
Jennifer N.
How the left hand is smart.
“You write fast,” said the right
hand to the left hand. “I’m fast
because I go to school,” replied the
left hand.
Carlos L.
I have a toy that
talks to me at night.
He’s scary. In sun
he’s gone.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
The Sun
Kevin C.
I say to the sun, Go away,
I have to go to sleep.
You are shining too much light
on me
and I have to go to school.
Four Skies Came
Maricarmen J.
The four skies came and said
to me, “Go to bed.”
The sky told me, “Come outside
and run.”
Also the sky told me, “Keep keep
And I am the only one that
understands them.
The four skies, they say to me, “Do
your homework.”
Joaquin M.
The sun says, “Don’t touch me
because I am hot.”
I play with the sun every day and
he gives us light.
The sun is big and I am
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
The Wind
Sebastian C.
The wind comes when we come
out. The wind comes in your face with its
feet and red glowing eyes that glow
in the dark. A mouth with big sharp teeth
that are very shiny. I think that’s the sun
but really that’s the wind. The wind has arms
and pointy elbows. The End.
A Star that Talks
Giselle H.
Tonight I see twinkling stars.
It is like if they are playing a music
box. The twinkling star said,
“Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder
what’s your name?” I said, “My name
is Giselle Herrera.” It is if like
the twinkling star put glitter
on. Then the twinkling star said,
“Make a wish and I’ll grant it.”
I said, “I wish there was more than
one twinkling star.” The twinkling star
took out its wand, out of
her room, and she granted my wish.
The moon said, “The next night when
you look out your window, you’ll
see lots of twinkling stars.”
The Wind
Sergio P.
The wind tells you to shut the
window or else it’ll be cold. The wind also
tells you to put on a sweater and jacket
before going outside. When you go outside
you don’t know who is following you.
The wind is. The wind pushes you
and tells you: Walk faster, or run.
About Hands on Stanzas
Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Talking to Suns and Trees--3rd graders
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: 3rd grade, Cisneros, O'Hara, personification, voice
Monday, November 26, 2007
One consistently popular poetic form among students is the ode. They are drawn to its exalted style, used to celebrate everyday things otherwise taken for granted. We read Pablo Neruda's "Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market" and discussed how he describes the tuna, as well as how he feels about it. Students were then given the choice of writing either an ode to something they love, or an anti-ode to something they hate. There were so many excellent responses, it was difficult to choose, but here is a representative selection.
Ms. Fialkowski (402)
Ode to a Tiny Kitten
Virginia B.
That kitten has a
little little nose, a
very little tail and
a very cute face.
That kitten, that kitten
she has cute eyes
she is so small,
and very very cute.
This kitten fits in
my hand, she
fits perfectly in
my hands. She
gets in trouble, she
comes by my house,
she hides under
this very big crate.
She has a button nose.
This kitten!
Ode to My Dog
Ivory G.
I love my dog.
But lately he is
a pain! But still, he
is so cute and
cuddly! He always wants
tummy rubs! He wants
to lick you when
you get some! Yuck!
He is such a cutie
when he jumps in
the air for doggy
treats! But, all in
all, he loves to be
happy and jumpy!
I love my dog
because he makes me
feel special and goofy!
Anti-Ode to Olives
Sergio M.
I hate olives very
much, they look at
me and make me
weird. They're green and
red and make my
stomach growl.
They make me
feel sick when
they're on my plate
so I feed them
to my dog. I hate
olives, I hate olives
so I wrote this
Ode to Genius People
Ricardo P.
For the things they made
so they made
a TV and Game Cube
so no more bad
things like board games
but I am amazed
that they made
some good things.
These genius people
are great to make
these things.
So they also made
video games for fun.
Ode to My Family
David V.
My family
takes care of me.
They're the ones
how they
love me. They
are nice to
me when sometimes
I'm a jerk
to them. They
me when
I am
hungry. Without them
I'd be in the
streets. They buy
me stuff when
don't have to.
I am the luckiest
in the world.
Ms. Michel (403)
My Ode to Swimming
Daniel A.
Ode to swimming,
boy it is so
I love to go
swimming but
sometimes I am
alone and I
am so sad.
I love to swim
I can even flip
swimming swimming
want to
swim to the depths
of an ocean. I hope
to discover many new
things on my journey.
Only if I had
gills I could swim
all of
the beautiful fishes
in the depths of the
ocean. This is all
of my ode to
swimming and how
much I love it.
Ode to a Dog
Luis O.
Outside in the open
field, I see a dog
rubbing my shoe.
Poor dog, you must
be hungry, maybe
some water so
you won't
get thirsty.
Maybe I'll give
you a whole
pack of bones
for your whole
life, only if
you won't
come back. But if
you do I'll take
care of you forever.
If you do come back
I'll give you a
dog house, pool table,
bed, a mini fridge and
more only if
you come back.
Ode to Football Players
Alexander R.
Among the
big, strong
I see
as kings
of sports,
hits and
around them
there are
yards to
run, they
are fast
like a
Only you will
cheer them
up. They
will be in
pain but they
never quit
they are like
machines knowing
what to do
at the right
They are
all evil out
there, hitting
other players
just to get
good team
work. That's
why I write an ode
to football players.
Ode to Pizza
Daisy V.
Smells good
Cold pizza
Lots of ingredient
Cheese, pepperoni, green peppers
Big and fat crust
Shaped like a circle
Slices like a square
And triangle
Ms. Hughesdon (407)
Ode to My New Puppy
Salena C.
My puppy, my puppy
I think she is
she's a pit bull
no muzzles
hates puzzles
loves to fish
thinks I'm its mother
like no other
I got my wish
she has her favorite
hates my brother
sister, father and mother
she likes my aunt
Daisy's cat, Chico Aguirre
loves me and Daisy
which is quite lazy
The Ode to Mac and Cheese
Omar C.
I saw mac and
cheese at school
I ate some
it was good
I ate more it
was very, very good
I couldn't stop
eating I finished
asked for
more they all
said no so I
stopped asking
and eating.
Ode to Christmas
Brenda R.
I like Christmas
because the
tree with
the different color lights
with presents all
around it
on Christmas my mom
cooks cake and a lot
of things to eat
my family in my
house celebrating the wonder-
ful holiday the thing
I like most is opening the
presents on Christmas
Anti-Ode to Erasers
Miguel R.
I hate them
some they rip paper
some don't erase right
some just rip by themselves.
Some erase nasty
leave marks on your paper
some are small or huge
soft or dry
and some just fly off
that's why I hate erasers.
Ms. Montoya (405)
Ode to Technology
Daisy A.
Oh technology, how
I love you.
You give me
and TV too.
Without you,
I would feel
so glum.
You give me
and help me too.
Without you,
I would feel
so mad.
The way you
do everything,
it's so cool and
Oh technology, how
I love you.
You give me
CD players,
and music too.
Without you,
I would feel
so sad!
Ode to TV of Fighting
Roberto A.
I like seeing fighting.
On TV or computer.
There's cool fighting people.
With good fighting skills.
We like seeing fighting.
They have no fright.
That's when they fight.
I have fighting games.
I like to play.
My cousin fights too.
We both do.
Ode to Cats
Cynthia G.
Among the cats
their furry
skins, white and
black, almost
always cry for
food, milk, or
games to play with
them, always love
playing. Don't dare
to ignore them
they will scratch
you and they
will never stop
crying so you
better listen to
them they really
scratch hard.
Some of them
look cute but
are really devils
because you
will never
imagine how
mean they
and when
they are
kitties they
are really cool
they just
stay still
they're not like
real cats.
Because they
are really cool
no matter
Ode to Birds
Michelle M.
I like my birds
because they are
a lot of fun to
play with.
I take them out
to my mom's room
and they always look
at the mirror.
They're very funny.
One day we took
them to the veterinarian
and she said the woman
was going to have baby birds.
When I first got the woman bird
the male was happy to see her,
they were excited. We bought
them their house and a little
next for their babies.
Ode to Television Sobre Todo las Novelas
Monica M.
A mi me gusta
la television sobre todo las
novelas. Son interesante y
divertidas. Siempre me acuesto
a verlas novelas. Me
gustan mucho por que
hay de muchas clases.
Hay algunas que son
sensibles y romanticas. Tambien
hay de encuentros. Yo
me entretengo hay. Ademas
en la television salen
peliculas, videos, entrevistas, programas
y de todo. En
la television te puedes
aprender de muchas cosas
que pasan al rededor
del mundo. La television
es algo que necesita
electricidad pues es electronico.
Te divierte mucho el
televisor tambien por sus comedias.
Ms. Graefen (404)
Ode to Christmas
Elva C.
I like
'cause it has
get to be
with family
eat mole and
and sleep
'cause it takes
a lot to open
when it's
for presents
we get
That's the only
word to say.
I like Christmas,
whoever invented
Christmas, thank you!!!
Ode to Playing Dodge Ball
Eliliana L.
Dodge ball is cool fun
I love playing it
you get to pick
partners. If you're
out, you're out. If
you catch the ball
you get one in
from your team.
Dodge ball is for
people who know
how to move
very fast and run
too. That's why I
like dodge ball
because I
know I
run very very
fast. Also I move
fast too.
Ode to Running
Anthony S.
you feel
the fresh air
in your face
while running
running is fast
you pass a lot of
grass, trees and
also animals
animals like
squirrels, dogs
and also birds
running is having fun
you exercise
while running
when you race
you could win
you practice
running, while running
you see lots of
you are fast
if you run
and run and
don't give up
you play
while running
you can play
tag, cops and
robbers or
freeze tag
you run
and run
and don't
let them
catch you
running is
fun and it
is also
Mr. Heredia (414)
Ode to Basketball
Keith D.
I like
how it
if I
it might
When I make the
shot I like
the sound
of the net
If I don't
that I
might make
a hiss.
Ode to My Mom
Carina G.
My mom has always
been there for me
through the pain, crying
and suffering she does
anything to make me
happy she helps me
when I need her
she is always there
for me all the
time when I grow
up I want to
be just like her
my mom is the
world to me everything
when I cry she
helps me when I
go through pain she
helps me she is
the best mom in
the world I love
her so much one
day I will tell
her mom I want
to be just like
you when I grow
up even though we
pretend to dislike each
other we still like
to have fun mother
and daughter time my
mom always says I never
want you to grow
up so I tell
her in four years
I will be fifteen
and she always gets
mad and I love
Ode to Video Games
Edgar O.
I like video games.
Video games are cool.
Video games are like
computers. Games are cool, there
are cool systems and
games. How do they
make the game
I say?
How do they put
the game on the
I wonder how, when
you put them on
your TV, how does
it work?
Games are cool, wow.
How do you make
it? You're amazed when
you get to a
new level. Wow so
cool when you pass
the game.
Ode to Christmas
Carlos Z.
I write an ode
to Christmas because
when I see the
tree it brightens my
Then when you wake
up you see all
of the presents and
you want to open
them but it's better
when you open them
with your family!
Posted by
10:15 PM
Labels: 5th grade, Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market, odes, Pablo Neruda, poetry, teaching
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Haikusplosion II
This haiku assignment turned out to be a meaty toothsome project that stretched over a couple of weeks. Deceptively simple in their bite-sized length and crystalline subject matter, haiku sometimes look easier than they are. Below are some new ones, and some that were made over and edited this week, so you can see how they have progressed.
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
Vanessa M.
They sky is blue
The bird is singing
The bus is driving
Sergio H.
I see the sky
green and pink
when I was playing
Jenny N.
In this moment my
sister Kayla is making
trouble all over.
Miguel C.
I see rocks crushing each
other in the blue sea of far from here
to the other side.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
Luis M.
The trees are down on the ground.
I hear the birds.
The family is waking up.
Karina G.
Outside there are
dogs cats and trees houses
a lot of leaves
Angelica V.
The leaves are falling and I like
that they fall to my family too.
My family is so happy that I got big
and my sisters grew a lot.
Jhoan B.
in the world the earth
moves but you cannot feel it because
it is moving too slowly
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
Ashley A.
My mom is raking
the leaves so we can jump in them.
Me, her, and all them.
Jennifer R.
I am thinking about
my friend jumping in the leaves
that are green that are crunching
in fall.
Michelle B.
The sky is blue now
The clouds are coming out now
It’s going to rain
Jordy D.
Now mom is talking
on the phone to check all the things
are going good.
Posted by
9:18 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thanksgiving Poems
Holidays provide an easy reference point for poetry ideas. This week, with Thanksgiving around the corner, I decided to bring in Virgil Suárez's "Mango Eating in America." Suárez writes about his childhood in Cuba, and how delicious the mangoes tasted in his native country. Students were asked why Suárez might prefer Cuban mangoes to American ones, and their reasons -- they taste better (sweeter), they remind him of home, they're bigger -- were all excellent starting points for writing poems on a number of suggested Thanksgiving themes.
Ms. Fialkowski (402)
Edgar A.
It's Thanksgiving, the people running
to the store to buy some turkey.
Some are cooking, I can hear the
water boiling for the turkeys.
The turkeys are hard to get in the
oven. I wish turkey was
I think that for me thanks
were we are thankful for
things they did or some-
one helping us.
After everybody is in the living
room the turkey is cooking, then
the timer goes tic tic boom.
Jose D.
It's Thanksgiving. The trees
are orange and red, leaves all over the
street. It's windy and sunny. It looks
like a rainbow of orange and red.
It's the time of the year where we give
thanks for all the things that we have,
like toys and food and clothes. This
year is the best year.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Daisy F.
I am thankful for my
friends and for the food.
My mom said that always
be thankful. I am thankful
for my family.
Ms. Michel (403)
A Bad Thanksgiving
Alondra B.
It was the morning of Thanksgiving.
This is going to be a good day. I said,
“Nothing could go wrong.” As I got out of
my bed I slipped on my brother's skate-
board. I tried to grab onto the curtains
but they fell on top of me. Then when
I went to take a bath there was no
hot water. I went to my room to change.
I put on my clothes – no, my turkey
sweater ripped! Oh no, what else could
go wrong? Oh oh, what's that smell?
No, please don't tell me the turkey
burned. I asked my brother. “The turkey
did burn.” I told you not to tell me.
When everybody came it was all ready
but then I thought, nothing else
could go wrong but my brother
that was ten months pulled the table-
cloth and everything fell off. Great
just great.
I Am the Turkey
Eddie L.
Nooo! I am the turkey.
They're going to eat me on
Thanksgiving. They put me in
the oven but I kick
the door open and I run
but I couldn't get outside.
They got me and I kick
them in the face. I was
trying to get out the
window so I jump and
hit the window because it
was closed. They grab my
legs and tie them. They put
stuffing in my mouth and put
me in the oven but
now I can't. Nooo!!!!
Yulissa R.
It's morning on Thanksgiving
my mom went to the store
to prepare for Thanksgiving.
My dad is working and my
brother is taking care of me.
My mom is back from the store.
She takes out all of the
things she bought, and she
takes out the turkey. My
dad is back from working, my
mom is cooking the turkey and
it smells delicious. The turkey
is finished, my mom puts it
on the table, it looks delicious
and we each get a plate and start
eating the turkey.
Thanksgiving Acrostic
Alvaro S.
Turkey, tamales
Happy day
A dinner with family
Not to be mean today
Kneeling to give thanks
Steak on plate
Good smells
Ice cold juice and water
Very delicious
I don't like turkey
No one eats the vegetables
Giving thanks
Ms. Hughesdon (407)
Thankful For
Claudia A.
I am thankful for having fun
I am thankful for food
I am thankful for my teachers
I am thankful for having a home
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for my friends
I am thankful for a school to go to
I am thankful for being me
I am thankful for everything I have
I am thankful for being in 5th grade
I am thankful for I am thankful for
I am just thankful for
I am thankful for enjoyed
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Brian D.
Today is Thanksgiving
I am helping my mom
prepare the turkey
and eat it all with
my family.
The turkey was
delicious and soft
it was so good
that we made
another one.
The turkey
day is a day
that all the
family gets
together in
the house.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Abel G.
Turkey day the smell
of fresh garlic bread in
the oven it was like
a burst of flavors and
the turkey was burning
in the over that sizzling
sound was like the best
turkey in the world.
The best gravy was
cooking on the stove and
the fruits and vegetables were good
and ham was smelling
all over the house with
smashed potatoes that
is the best food I ever tasted.
Thanksgiving Acrostic
Santos H.
I-Indomitable spirit
V-Veggie soup
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Jesus N.
Oh the turkey was burnt the
things weren't good like I planned for
the food. The pie was burned my mom
lied so I wasn't in a mood for pumpkin
pie. So I drank a sip of lemonade
that my grandmother made specially for
my Thanksgiving day.
Ms. Montoya (405)
Anibal M.
Thanksgiving is the time
we give thanks to each other
we eat different kinds of
food like chicken, corn, and smashed
but the food that we mostly eat
is the big turkey that lies on
the table
the turkey is good and juicy everybody
takes a picture with it then we
say grace and after grace everybody eats it.
All of us play games and have fun
and we all spend time with each
Thanksgiving Day
Cristian O.
My mom cooked
some beans in a pot,
but then everything
went splot!
My little brother
put up the heat
and all the beans
exploded in the microwave.
I had to clean it
up, my little brother had
to clean his room.
And that is why I
tell him to stay
away from anything
that is cooking.
Alexis R.
The thanks the elders
get, and they give thanks
to us also, but to
mostly be thankful for,
the turkey is ready,
the oven dings, and
there is a hot fresh
smell from the dinner,
the giving of thanks,
the family is enjoying
the turkey, the friends
are very happy,
the meaning of Thanksgiving
is for us to enjoy
and to say “Happy Thanksgiving!”
Ms. Graefen (404)
Mercedes L.
Thanksgiving is horrible.
Something always goes wrong.
Last Thanksgiving the turkey fell
off the table. The rice got burnt.
You don't even want to know
what happened to the mashed potatoes.
I hate Thanksgiving, well it's not
Thanksgiving it's just the people who
celebrate it.
I repeat, Thanksgiving is horrible.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Salvador M.
Thanksgiving I love it
because you help people
you give them food
you spend time with your
family sometimes my
grandma comes from
Mexico and sometimes
we give her a great
Robert R.
I'm in the kitchen.
I see potatoes
I see turkey
I see soda
I see my family.
It's 11:00 AM.
I'm in my sleeping clothes
I don't know what to do.
Take a bath, take a shower or take a snack.
Easy, I told myself.
It's Thanksgiving.
Elva Z.
At Thanksgiving
I can taste all the
good stuff. The potatoes were
big, tasty, delicious.
The peas were good
with corn, it tasted
good and delightful.
Then there was
board games
to play
and horses to ride.
I used to ow
a baby horse
and a barn.
I love Thanksgiving.
Mr. Heredia (414)
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Eibar N.
I wake up and I see
see my mom
coming from the grocery store.
She starts to cook.
I wish it
was dinner so
I could eat,
man I'm really
hungry. How
the turkey is
cooked with
stuffing next to
it, smash
potatoes, pumpkin
pie and great
garlic bread. I
guess it is true,
on Thanksgiving
no one leaves unfull.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Cesar P.
I love it when it's
Thanksgiving because
it is when my family
and me get together
and share good food
and especially when
they bring my favorite
drink, Dr. Pepper and mashed
potatoes with turkey on
the side. And sometimes
my cousins and me play
outside and play sometimes
soccer five on
five. It only comes
once a year. Or play
basketball when it's not
mostly day.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Mayra S.
Thanksgiving is on its
way, a special day to celebrate.
We'll be eating delicious
turkey with smash potatoes, and gravy.
What a nice day to have fun,
I wonder why it comes once
a year?
So don't eat a lot, leave
some room because the turkey's
Pilgrims or Turkey
Daniel V.
Oh Thanksgiving is in the air
or is it just turkey I smell? Oh the
pilgrims are at the table or is that
just turkey in my mouth? Oh I can feel
Thanksgiving or is that turkey I feel
in my stomach? Oh I can hear the pilgrims
coming here or is that just turkey going
through my mouth?
Posted by
7:20 PM
Labels: 5th grade, food, Mango Eating in America, poetry, teaching, Virgil Suarez
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
In this moment...
Okay, in most cases I haven't included the prewriting/freewriting we did in preparation for the haiku writing, but I wanted to post these examples, both to show what we draw the haiku poems from, and also because these three just had some really super-tough imagery that I wanted to make sure to highlight.
Ms. Vazzana, Rm. 104, 3rd grade
In this moment (freewrite)
Jhoan B.
In this moment I have chapped hands and the season is changing weather and it is cold. The leaves are changing color and the trees are throwing the leaves and all the trees are losing leaves. And we have to wear coats jackets and the leaves are not growing. People do not go out and play. In this moment people are talking in their houses and I can’t hear it. In the world the earth moves but you cannot feel it because it is moving too slowly. You cannot see the stars because they are too far far far far far away. The president is living in a big house and you’re not. And leaves are yellow and it is raining a lot and leaves are not growing. And it is cold. People do not go out again because it is cold and my teacher is wearing a red shirt and my teacher is writing in a paper and I am writing a lot and my best friend is Miguel. And my teacher is sitting with me. And I am at school working in my classroom. 104 3rd grade November 14, 2007. Jhoan B. is making this story and Omar is funny and I am too.
In this moment (freewrite)…
Kevin C.
In this moment leaves are falling and they’re changing clothes and they’re falling like a parachute each day and they’re living trees bold and cold wind is flying in air. Pencil writing in paper and paper smashing in the ground and people talking heart beating. In this moment I see the color green and the color white and the color purple and the color orange.
Things outsides
Hazael G.
In this moment the trees are dying.
In this moment all the flowers are crying.
The cars are cool.
In this moment the storms are giving thunder.
In this moment the firefighters’ alarm is ringing.
Everyone has purple folders
Posted by
9:14 PM
Labels: 3rd grade, freewriting, haiku, moment, prewriting
Last week, we read a wide selection of haiku poetry (by Basho, Hideno, Richard Wright, Etheridge Knight, Jorge Luis Borges, and others), discussed the form, and did some extensive prewriting and freewriting to capture moments and generate some raw material. This week, we were ready to write our own! I've included some that adhered particularly well to the traditional haiku structure, but just as much I've included some poems that captured the spirit of a haiku. More to come from the other classes next week!
Ms. Vilchis, Rm. 202, 3rd grade
Miguel C.
My mom is cooking foods.
I see blue sky.
I hear rocks crushing each other.
Daniel R.
I am hearing steps
from Mrs. Vilchis and Mrs. J
walking through the stars
Nicole O.
In this moment the leaves are
blowing away. I heard the noise
of an El.
I hear the music
of the head like a twisted heart
in a practice band.
Ms. Hamdan, Rm. B15, 3rd grade
Giselle H.
I’m thinking to stop
thinking. Leaves changing colors.
I know what to say.
Ashley A.
I am cleaning my room
and I do not want nobody to go
inside of my room.
Melissa V.
I am winter and
shivering and
tivery and the
snow is white.
Nestor H.
My baby brother
Camilo is crying for
milk in a bottle.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Time Poems
Since this past weekend was the end of daylight savings time, I brought in Joyce Sutphen's wonderful poem, "Book of Hours." In the poem, she describes five hours she would 'keep' in a book, if she could control time. We discussed how even an hour can be very important in an average day, full of surprises, challenges and revelations. Students were then asked to write their own time poems on a variety of themes -- such as if they were clocks, time travelers, 100 years old, could stop time, and so on. Here are some of their amazing responses!
Ms. Fialkowski (402)
A 40 Minute Day
Angel H.
One day I was alone.
Then my cousin came.
We had lots of fun.
We played a long time.
We did this and that.
Took 40 minutes.
Then my other cousin came.
We played video games and
we continued doing it for
quite some time.
they left. I wanted to
continue. It took 40 minutes.
Then my other cousin came.
And we did do the same
thing with my other cousin,
played video games.
We watched movies and altogether
it took 40 minutes.
Poetry of Clocks
Katy R.
Clocks are so slow and boring!
Look it's 10:49 PM and I hear my
dad snoring!
Outside it's cold and chilly!
Clocks that have different colors
look silly!
Kangaroos are faster then
the clocks!
So, the clock goes and goes
but never stops!
Untitled (Time Poem)
Johnny S.
This is me, a digital clock. When
my battery is dead, I rest and
when on I'm working and
usually I work alone.
But when they throw me away
well, let us just say
I hope I will be OK.
Samantha T.
Time is something everyone
may or may not enjoy but once
in an hour anyone could make
a difference and anyone
could make a person happy.
And you may or may not make
a difference but if you tried
and if you're happy that you tried that's all that
matters. I remember once I had a
friend who was mad at
one of my other friends
and it was like time
just flew by. One hour they
weren't friends and the next
hour they were. But in one
hour anybody can make a
person smile, or make a difference.
The Tick Tock
Luis V.
I am a 100 year old clock tick tock
they moved me again and broke the pieces
threw me out some one found me and sold
me for fifteen bucks they fixed and patched me
then I was feeling stronger and tougher
but the words from my mouth tick tock they
gave me new parts and sold me again
after some time I was in a museum of old stuff
then I see that I was trapped they said that old
clock I don't know when I'm going to stop
but for now my name is tick tock
Ms. Michel (403)
Time Difference
Gerardo C.
I went to the flea market
yesterday and thought mmm....
I asked my mom what time is
it? It is 11:00 AM
I thought it feels like 2:00
I told her that because the sun was
and it was brighter but colder
it felt like winter but the sun
was up. This is driving me crazy.
Well, time was going slow and I had
my birthday party yesterday at Haunted Trails
and time was going slow like I said
but I have to get used to it.
I guess that is part of life.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Servando C.
One day I watch and watch the clock.
Because I want to go out and see
the stars to spend my time. Because I
want to do my homework out. Then I
want to play with my brother. Then when
we finish playing we can go see the
television. Then when I see the
clock it was 11:00. Because I like
to spend my time out with my
Losing an Hour
Samuel G.
Yesterday was different. I felt
sad because the sun was
leaving at 4 o'clock. It felt as if I
lost an hour. It was already dark
at 7 o'clock. I felt like I lost
an hour. It felt like I lost
an hour because the sun
was not with me. Wow, I didn't
know an hour can change a lot
of things. But I felt happy because
even if I lost an hour and
the sun at least I didn't
lose my family.
Time to Time
Karen R.
Me and my friends we made four
time to time watches. After we finished
we pushed the button. Like when I was a
baby or in the future. So we all pushed the
button. And we had fun but when I
pushed the button time to time I went to
the clouds and I saw someone, it was
God. So I pushed the button time to
time. All my friends were, “Wait for me.” They
said, “Where were you?” So I went to
my room. It is a secret but I can't tell
you where I went. Time to time.
Ms. Hughesdon (407)
Itzamari C.
It was that hour sometime
in the day that I felt
happy. I felt as if someone
lifted me up like the day
I was born. I felt such
a joy that I couldn't explain
how I felt.
An hour later I was sad. The
minutes that passed, I felt
worse. I felt a pain in my
heart that I was crying.
Tick tock was all I heard
when time was changing. I
felt like the earth stopped. I
felt as if I shouldn't say
anything because time was
going fast. I was very scared.
A few hours later it was
time to go to bed. I will
never forget that wonderful
time in that day.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Cesar M.
Time, what would it
be like to be a time traveler.
Going forward and backwards
in time. Seeing the future
and the past times. Just imagine
if you go to the future you
could see the buildings in the sky and
cars flying. If you go to the past
you might see dinosaurs, cave men,
Indians, and wars from long ago.
What a life it is to be a
time traveler.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Carlos M.
It is so beautiful to make
and eat in an hour. Pancakes
and eggs that smell like
a neat odor. Coffee with me
so I could be hot for the day.
The fresh wind when I go
walking for an hour. Dogs barking
loudly, woof, woof. People talking,
kids running and some falling.
Shiny houses fill the block, oh it is a beautiful day.
Doing chores at the house for one
hour. Washing dishes, making beds,
it feels good. Cleaning the kitchen
and the sofa, it's clean, yeah!
Hour Poem
Maria M.
The hour changes each
time as the world
moves around. It takes
time to do something,
and it takes time to
finish doing something.
When you wake up
and you say what time
is it, and you look at the clock
and it's 7:30 AM you say
why did I wake up so early?
Why does the time go
so slow when you are
awake so early and you
got nothing to do, just
to wonder and imagine
when none of my
family are awake to play with. Oh
gosh you're talking about
them and someone came
out, good thing.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Rodolfo P.
If it was a hundred years later I would be a hundred
ten years old. I think the year would be 3007.
I would look like a man with gray hair, glasses
and probably wrinkles. I would want to have
muscles and no fat on me because I'll be
old and look ugly already, my hair will grow
and I could cut it. I will have two
jobs and in five years I will retire. And
Daylight Savings
Gustavo R.
We're watching Spider-Man 3
My sister was worried about the time
The time had said 12:00 AM
“We need to go to church,” said sis
Dad said, “It's actually eleven, little miss.”
The next day the time had changed
A noise woke up my baby sister and I took the blame
That Sunday night I went to bed, then......
I woke up at six in the morning
Yvette T.
I am a clock
I have numbers
My time changes every minute
The time changed one hour back this week
It's slow on hours
But on minutes it is so fast
I wonder if people know what
time is it?
I know because I am a clock
I have AM and PM
My hours are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
Don't forget 11 and 12
And my name is Ms. Clock
At 7:30 AM I wake up
The at 9:00 AM my owner polishes
When the sun comes up I am
shiny like the sun
My clock family is almost like
But don't forget the time okay
Ms. Montoya (405)
The Time
Ana C.
My mother and I went to Tar-
get and spent like three hours and only
bought clothes for Thanksgiving. When I
saw the time I was all like we
spent a lot of time, three hours.
At 3:20 PM we went to
Wal-Mart. My father bought me some
jeans like for rockers and I love them
and a shirt and a jacket. Then it was
5:30 PM. I really like to go shop-
ping with my mom.
At 6:15 PM we went to K-Mart
and bought new shoes for my brother
and some clothes for my sister's ba-
by, Jesus. We took one hour. I told
my mother that was a long time.
I wish I was a watch to stop
the time.
Then we went to Walgreen's
and bought two cameras and wallpaper,
conditioner, and some bags of chips. We
spent one-and-a-half hours.
We went home. It was
7:45 PM. Then we ate and I did my
homework and went to my friend's
house and came back at 3:50 AM.
I told my mom I didn't feel the
Yadid G.
In California it was a sunny day. I woke up.
6:00 AM I went to the river.
8:00 AM I went to the park.
9:00 AM it started to rain.
At 9:30 AM it was raining cats and dogs.
10:30 AM I went to play in the rain.
12:00 PM I went back home.
12:30 PM I took a shower.
1:00 PM I used the computer.
At 11:00 PM I went to sleep.
It's incredible how a computer
can take over your mind. Just to see
something and time went passing
If the World Will Stop By Me
Natalie T.
If the world will stop by me
it will be great. I could unfreeze my friends,
I could hang out with my friends. We
could eat ice cream and even a cold
drink. If I could stop the time it will
be awesome to be in the streets with
no worry about it. It will be great,
just great. I could do anything I
want, take clothes and stuff from the
stores with paying not a lot.
Ms. Graefen (404)
Past & Future
Alexandra C.
The clock is moving back in
time. The Titanic already
sunk very slowly or fast I
don't remember but it sank. The clock is moving
to the future, we are using
flying cars. That is fun but
dangerous but who cares. The war in Iraq hasn't
stopped, why I wonder why?
The clock is going back in
time to 2001, the tower twins
are still standing but not
for long. I'm going back to
the seventies with my fancy
shirt and dancing, but
if you go back to the
past or future something
will happen!
But why?
Untitled (Time Poem)
Mirella H.
The time looks like a circle.
It has numbers 1 to 12.
The numbers are counted by 5.
The clock helps you know
what time is today, explaining
what time it is now and when
it's time to go home. The
clock has two hands, one smaller
and the other bigger and has a red
line in the middle that moves.
Time (Clock)
Maggie M.
I hate the time, time, time, time.
All I do is hang on the wall and tell time
I hate time!
There's nothing to do, just tell time.
I hate time!
I just hate it cause they ask for the time
and I'm right there to tell the time.
But even if I hate it I have to
stick with it because it's my
I hate time!
Untitled (Time Poem)
Alejandro R.
I would want to
go back in time so
I can play football
but that day I had
deja vu. I played
football than I hit
my head. Then I was
sleeping. The day I played
football was a Sunday
but I woke up in my
cousin's house around 6:00 AM.
Also it was a Saturday.
Then I was getting up then
I fell. Then I found myself
in bed in my room and it was
6:00. Then I went to sleep.
Then I was back at my
cousin's house. Then I said
forget it I'm going
to sleep
Mr. Heredia (414)
What I Think About Time
Javier C.
The time changes
The time runs
The time goes as slow as a turtle
The time goes tick, tick, tick.
The time is like a giant balloon
The time is what we all need
The time changes the day, month, and
The time I see is asleep
like me.
I'm a Clock So What
Lucero E.
I'm a clock I tick and tock.
I have an hour hand, a minute
hand and even a second hand.
I'm a clock that you could
hang on the wall. I love
people looking at me and checking
time, it makes me feel important.
To some people, I am important.
My numbers count from 1 to 12.
I never stop ticking or tocking
unless someone turns me off.
Some people say they love their
clock and not me but I'm a
clock like any other kind.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Amanda H.
I remember this hour when
I was playing in the
pool. It was summer and
I was with my family. It
was sunny and warm
with the pools big, medium
and little, of course. I went
in the big one.
And there was that hour.
It was autumn and we
were gathering all the
crunchy leaves. Then we
would jump in them
and you would hear
crunch,crunch,crunch from
the leaves.
Last there was an hour
when we were in the
park playing basketball and
soccer. We also started to
play on bikes when I
fell. It was a sunny day,
an early day, too.
Lunch Time
Stephanie M.
The hotel servant
waits patiently, he gets
disturbed by the sounds of
customers ringing the bell.
“Ding!” He looks at the clock,
lunch time is in three hours. It's
2:45 PM right now. He waits.
He gets depressed. His
tummy is saying: “Please
feed me, I'm hungry.” It's
3:00 PM. He waits impatiently.
He looks at the clock as if
lunch time took forever to
It's 4:00. The hotel servant
is furious. He has wrinkles
on his forehead, three little lines.
It's 5:00 PM, finally the
servant yells, “Lunch time!”
Waiting to Go Home
Cristian M.
I am waiting to go
out of school. Waiting
isn't fun. Minutes seem
like hours. It looks like time
is going very slowly.
Here comes the teacher with
our test. It seems I will
never get out of school.
I get stuck doing the test. “I
wish time can go faster.”
It's barely 12:00 PM.
I have waited an hour
and it seems like two.
After we finish a test
we get another one.
“I am never getting
out of here,” I said
in my mind. I look again
at the clock, it is 2:30
PM. Finally I go
home and play my
Posted by
7:15 PM
Labels: 5th grade, Book of Hours, Joyce Sutphen, poetry, teaching, time
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Week 4: Writing Odes
For this week's session, I brought in Pablo Neruda's "Ode to the Artichoke" to introduce the Ode to the students. I also brought in several artichokes, so they could see why Neruda might have chosen to compare the artichoke to a "warrior." They all seemed to enjoy having something concrete to look at and touch and to reference as a key to understanding the poem.
In response to this poem, I had students write odes of their own to their favorite foods. I had them focus on using all five senses in describing the food and making the poem look like Neruda's, which was long and skinny. Of course, there were many odes to pizza (also a favorite of mine!). I have five classes of third graders and one of fifth - the following are selections from these students' writings, one from each class.
Jasmine D.
Mr. K, 3rd Grade
My Ode
is about
pizza, it
tastes like
freedom and
it is hot it
looks like
a ball
a baseball
it smells
like cheese,
and sausage
and it feels
hot as
a chili pepper
in salsa it sounds
crunchy and it
feels mushy
it's like
a pumpkin
in a pumpkin
patch of a big
circle of a head
of a person who
likes pizza.
Esmeralda L.
Ms. Sandoval-Johnson, 3rd Grade
Ode to Cherries
The cherries with dotted hearts
dressed up as a ball bouncing around
having a bath outside and sliding on mud
a carrot outside growing in the grass with
covers on it and his hair on the top a big
tree outside with lots of arms and
apples on him as if he had lots of ribbons
and puffy hair it feels wet like a wet
dog. A cherry's heart is what we have even
sparkling in the sky. A chili pepper on the
ground holding a stick on the top of the
ground, grass all over the world lots of hairs
all over.
Shalynn S.
Ms. Marfise, 3rd Grade
Oh Potato
You look like a rock
You feel bumpy like the street
You taste like a potato
You smell like butter
You sound like you want to be
Cassie S.
Ms. McCormick, 3rd Grade
Ode to Rice with Milk
Rice with milk
looks like white
snow and a white
Rice with milk
mushy and
Rice with milk
smells so good
you are going
to love it.
Rice with milk
tastes like
a magic
food in
your mouth.
Rice with milk
sounds like rowing
milk almost like
a river.
Ryan V.
Mrs. Rodriguez, 5th Grade
Ode to Pizza
looks like the moon
with the craters
looking like pepperoni
round as a clock
it's sad
when I eat pizza
It can
never taste
the same
a lot of things
are circular
the letter O
all make me
think of pizza
if I
get a pizza
It will
be from
Pizza Hut.
Diego L.
Ms. Breen, 3rd Grade
Ode to Macaroni
looks like
a tiny cell phone
smells like
tastes like
sounds like
feels like
a pillow
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locutio obsoleta
6:30 PM